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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

I am going to give it a try.  Won't hurt to see how it goes.  

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

@curlygirl13 wrote:

@shoesnbags Well I can honestly say Nutrafol is working for me. I do see and feel a difference. Yes, it is expensive but my hair is filling in. So it's worth it to me!! Different strokes for different folks...

You are lucky!  Hope it keeps us for you!

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

I've been successfully using hair growth lasers for well over a decade, different devices, but they use the same basic laser technology. Over the years of using lasers, I read what others have to say about their hair regrowth journeys. Many people have reported that they have less gray hair since using their devices and that stands to reason b/c the laser light stimulates the entire follicle including the pigment producing cells found within it. Also reported was an increase in oil on the scalp which is also the result of laser stimulation of the oil glands located adjacent to the follicles. I can attest to that but not the gray hair part b/c I've never had any gray hair. 


Just thought I'd throw out some intersting finds.Woman Happy

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

    I have used the Hair Max for about 4 yrs. I have been very pleased with the results.

My hair is thicker than when I started. I am 72, it is not as thick as it was when I was 20 and didn't expect that it would.

    At 6 months I could see and feel new growth, it took several more months to really feel thicker. I was willing to give it more time. I do not like taking medications because there can be side effects that I don't want.                                                                                        If you are having significant hair loss you should check with your doctor to rule out any health issues that may be causing hair loss. I did order the TSV today hoping for even better results.

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

For hair loss, see a dermatologist for help. Ask about Nutrafol and this type device. 

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

Watching SB on this presentation and she is giving incorrect info.  She does not seem to have correct knowledge on this product.  Wildly popular is all she seems to know.

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

@Pook Thank you. I ordered it yesterday. 

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

@Sugipine wrote:

The TSV Hairmax uses two laser wavelengths to treat the follicles. Since everyone's follicles are found at different depths in the scalp, that dual wavelength can make a big difference in whether or not it will work. Lasers work by stimulating more blood flow to the follicles so they get what it takes to grow hair. With age blood flow decreases and the hair gets thinner naturally. 


I started with a Hairmax comb years ago then moved on to a full cap (CapillusPro). I would not have bought my cap if the comb didn't work. The cap has made a big difference in my hair thickness and overall healthy appearance. Expensive cap but it works for me and it's a once-in-a-lifetime purchase.



Such useful information, thanks! You always have the best sccience to share.

Ordered it. Waiting until November shipping.


Only hesitated when your 2d reply to this thread mentioned that some reported darker hair coming in.

Makes sense, I suppose, if the follicles for hair color are also stimulated. I love my prematurely WHITE hair, so not sure how I'll want darker hair coming in . . .


*** I don't have notiable (to others) hair loss, but am at the age when my mother made it clear to us that she knew her thick hair was getting thin. I think my hair is less thick than years ago. So, obviously I am now aging beyond when my mother had noticed her hair thinning.

** Didn't want to become someone trying to "fill in" my parts.


Appreciated several hosts explaining how they regularly used it for the last 2 years. The science seems solid.


My suspicion is that one has to commit to the habit, since it can take many months to see the growth. Not now and then. I'm a scientist, I can do protocols . . .


*** For anyone using Biotin, I started that (Andrew Lessman) in January. 4 months later, my stylist told me there was 2 inches of new hair all over the top!

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

Hi. I was wondering since I can't swallow pills or capsules if you can open the Nutrofol capsule and put it in yogurt or tea etc. ? Thank you.

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Re: HairMax TSV - October 15, 2024

So tired of HairMax & Calista.