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I was just curious if anyone has ever tried the Leg/vein circulation support that he is selling as one of the TS (there are actually 2 TS's today).  The item number on HSN is 699-617


I have terrible edema in my both of my legs (calves/feet)...and I'm already on a diuretic which only helps to a certain point. I work (sit) for 8 hours 4 nights a week and 12 hours 2 nights a week. I know this isn't helping my issue at all, but I HAVE to work. I actually have a foot stool at my desk, but it just barely gets them off the floor, not enough elevation to make a difference.  Oh, and I should add I am overweight. I weigh 215lbs and I'm 5'6. (39 years old & I smoke) terrible I know :-( :-( 


I read a lot of the reviews and most of them seem really promising and actually a lot of them refer to people with edema and how it's helped them. I guess we'll see how it works when I get it, but I was curious if anyone here had ever tried it. Thanks. 

~ Hope in TN ~
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@BrandiDavis   I'm your fan.  I know you have overcome challenges in your life and you can change this too.  (I know you have the intelligence and strength to address these issues.)  Think lifestyle can do this.  


Hope you get some positive responses....just, for me, I'm always digging for the root cause of any challenges.  Rooting for you and wishing you the best of healthHeart


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Hi, @BrandiDavis.  While I don't know you, I'm actually worried for you, after reading your health issues.  I hope I don't sound too scolding in my response. 


I looked into this Lessman product for a friend and noted that there were many positive reviews.  However, I think it depends on the causal factors and how extreme the situation is.  For serious pitting edema not controlled with diuretics, I'd be very skeptical. 


Let's wait and see if anyone recommends it here.  Perhaps you would have some response, but I have to be frank. I'm afraid it might only be a bandaid effect, for your onging neglected health issues. I do commend you for being brave enough to share them here.  Your desperation is palpable.    


Girl, you are too young to let this go on.  It's clear you know changes that you need to make to assist with your circulatory system and general health. Where 'hope' lives is in your dedication to making some VERY difficult changes.  


Only YOU can turn this situation around.  Please do it before your health deteriorates further. Dredge up the strength.  If you do, you've got this.  {{{hugs}}}.  







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I've taken this one for years now and love it.  However, I don't have health problems, especially like you do, other than high blood pressure.  I found when I decided to just stop taking it for the heck of it then a heaviness came back to my legs which I didn't like.  I like to walk in the neighborhood most days and I need a spring in my steps which I do have. But supplements work differently for everyone.  You could just try it and see if you like it.

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Many of us have tried the product and found it to be lifechanging. Whether it might help you, I don’t know. There is no risk to trying it to find out; if it doesn’t help just return it and get your money back. 

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Registered: ‎09-15-2016

Re: HSN TS (Andrew Lessman)

[ Edited ]

I use it & it's made a difference in how my legs feel...I also bought a Cubii & any time I'm sitting in my chair, I'm peddaling. My legs feel strong & I'm 68. Try the TSV, big change can start with one small step to improving your health. Best Wishes @BrandiDavis.

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Registered: ‎07-19-2013

I LOVE THE STUFF, and take it every single day for the last 5 years.

Got my 83yr old dad taking it.

Got my step daugher taking it (she's 28 and it has STOPPED her hemorroids; since that is an afliction of the veins - it has done wonders for her)


However, you should seek indepth medical help for your issues before adding a supplement thinking it will help them.

I don't believe it would hurt you but I am not medically qualified to suggest so.


Please get checked out and take care of yourself, I enjoy your posts and would like to see you 'round for a long time to come.

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Those that had good results,please tell me how long it took to see those results!



I did not see any results!    Smiley Sad

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@BrandiDavisMy husband and his older brother both were able to quit smoking by taking Chantix.  Both had smoked since the age of 16 until 47....and this alone can make a HUGE change in any health condition you struggle with.  


As for weight loss there are many different diets/approaches out there....I would ask about this also at your doctors appt' researching online for the best option for you personally.


As for AL's supplement I can't give you a testimony on it...but asking about that also at your doctors office is always a good idea.  Like others here I doubt it would be "bad" for you to try BUT getting to the root causes of the conditions you are suffering with and correcting all factors is primary.  


The responses from all here have been so wonderful....I hope to encourage you also on your journey to a healthy life.  I have different issues and struggle to find ways to correct them and so it is a on going journey.  


Best to you....HTH

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I have taken Andrew's CV&S for years. Won't be without it since I can tell a difference when I slack off.

If your job allows you to get up to walk about it will help too.