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Registered: ‎08-16-2010

Any update yet on what exactly will be the TSV? It can't be an extra band with the new Charges, because you can't switch bands. I am waiting to order one from Fitbit unless the TSV will be a better price.

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I really hope it is the Fitbit Surge!!! I got the Charge HR from Kohl's..... but I kept my receipt. QVC ALWAYS has a great deal on Fitbit packages!!!....But the Fitbit Surge and Charge HR do not have inter-changeable bands, like the Flex... so I wonder what extras they will pack into it. Hopefully they will send us an email, so we can buy them early.

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I was hoping this tsv was one of the new models, but last night saw a promo for new you day and it looked like the model was wearing a flex. I sure it's no so.
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Any info? I keep checking my email too?

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It's the FitBit Flex. A set of 3 adjustable bands in 3 color combos. $89.96

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FYI - the Fitbit Flex was initially released May 2013...the Fitbit Charge was just released in November. Both the Charge HR and the Surge will be fully released in 2015. They released a small quantity of the Charge HR around Christmas but that amount was gone quickly. I bought my husband the Charge for Christmas and he loves it. The Charge even has an alarm that he uses to wake up in the mornings. The alarm vibrates with a ""vengeance"" according to him. :-)

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Unfortunately it's an older model. I guess that is to be expected with QVC.

F11749 Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker with Extra Band

F11749 Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker with Extra BandF11749 Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker with Extra Band

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The FitBit TSV is the Flex again? I was so hoping it would be the Charge HR.

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On 12/30/2014 qvcchick said:

The FitBit TSV is the Flex again? I was so hoping it would be the Charge HR.

I would have probably gotten it. I have $40 Kohl's cash. I think I'll get the One or Flex from Kohl's.


I ordered One from Kohl's this morning it already shipped. It was under $64 since I had the Kohl's cash.

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Oh no an older model again