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How does Fit Bit compare to the health features on an Apple Watch?   I too hoped that an American West item would be the special value....

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Has QVC ever offered a TSV on July 4 not made in the U.S?  Smiley Frustrated








I think a better question is when is the last time QVC offered a TSV on July 4 (or any day for that matter which wasn't food) that WAS made in the USA.  There aren't too many of them

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@banned again wrote:

@september wrote:

since I'm not likely to watch qvc on the 4th, or even browse the website, it doesn't much matter to me what they'll offer as the TSV on this day. 

Then why post in this thread or even browse these forums?

@banned again    I am puzzled as to why you would be asking me why I'm browsing or posting on this forum?   I've been a member here since long before my "as seen" sign up date.  

I purchase many items from QVC, including many TSV's, which of course can be purchased on the day offered, before, and sometimes afterward. 

I browse this forum because I'm interested in the content.  Why is that confusing to you?

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@chessylady wrote:

I have been using a fitbit for 5 years.I still have the first one I bought and I only bought the second one to get additional features. It is a quality product used worldwide. I celebrate the 4th of July in many ways but shopping for USA made products is not one of them. It's great to get USA products but it is not a deal breaker.

Our son bought me a fit bit 4  years ago.  At first I thought ugh won't use.  But I put it on every day.  It keeps me moving 10,000-12,000 and more steps everyday and has made a difference in my health and weight. 

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I know I have said this a couple of times on various threads; however, I have to say it again.


Today is Independence Day!  July 4th!!  I truly think something -- anything -- Made in America would have been more appropriate than something that was imported.


This would have been a perfect day to celebrate our country.  I have no problem with imported items; however, no thought was given to what could have been an All-American line-up of products.


Happy 4th to everyone -- stay healthy and be safe.