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Anyone know the item # for the Dyna trap TSV this Saturday? TIA

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I bought the small  plug in Dyna traps a couple of yrs ago for fruit flies-  they were worthless .

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@skatting44  Same here. I bought the HUGE 1 acre Dyna trap. It collected lots of moths- that's it. And if you didn't empty it often it smelled horrible. I thought I had a dead animal in my yard. I looked and looked to see where this horrible smell was coming from. Here it was the bug thing. And it is a PIA to get apart. If the bugs aren't all dead, they fly out all over the place when you open it. I mainly use it for a light in the backyard now. That was one expensive light. :-)

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I went down the Dyna trap road too.   Fruit fly one for inside useless and that bright blue light = awful   Threw it away


Outside unit - caught a lot of moths - a fly would come up to opening with fan and leave..............

Best bug killer on Amazon for $40 - not a loud snap like old ones; but (man) a mosquito doesn't have a chance. 

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@fthunt   Oh, fthunt: Can you give me the details about that bug zapper from amazon? I have a pond right by my deck and in the summer we get eaten alive. Sadly, Dyna trap was a total waste of time and money. 

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@CritterKeeper FLOWIRON  electronic insect killer

Black shape of a lantern - attractive

Outer wire protects 'live wires' and prevents butterflies from entering


Has an ultraviolet light that attracts mosquito in droves

They hit the inner 'active' wires and ...they are gone immediately.  Has a slight 'zap' or "Snap"  .....sound that's music to my ears. LOL

Hang on S Hook and use outside electric x-tenion cord


Around $40

Bulb is already installed - burned out my 2nd one last summer.  Have a new in box waiting for the hot season.

I swear by this unit.


You'll love it............................



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@CritterKeeper Just to don/t have to touch to clean

Unplug - - let it cool down - - and blast the machine with hose - I let it dry before re-plugging in.

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I agree that Dynatrap is worthless.  Don't think it killed a single mosquito.  Returned mine.

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The DynaTrap works for me.  I have been using mine for a couple of years now and I no longer have to spray myself down with bug spray or wear the OFF Clip On.  I despise putting bug spray on top of sunscreen and I really need to wear sunscreen as much as I work in the yard.  But, if I must wear the bug spray, I will opt out of the sunscreeen. The two together is just so gross.


Yes, I get a lot of little moths in there, but obviously it's getting mosquitoes too.  I do wish there was an easier way of emptying it, and the smaller one is a pain to change out the light.   You basically have to take it apart.   I wish it was plug and play like the acre model.  Never noticed any odor coming from it.  I watched an entire presentation last year hoping they had upgraded changing of the bulb, but no mention whatsoever about it.  They probably want to avoid that part of the description.

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Registered: ‎04-10-2015

It has certainly worked for us!  A few years ago we spent the whole summer inside because the mosquitos were horrible, but since we have the Dyna Trap we have not had any problems with them.  I agree, it could be easier to clean, but we have never noticed any odor.  I love my Dyna Trap and would not be without one here in Ohio.