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Registered: ‎10-09-2023

Re: DG's Today's Special Velvet Pants

DG ain't what it used to be years ago. Quality and sizing went down hill. Velvet? Is velvet ever a good idea? Asking for a friend....

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,354
Registered: ‎01-04-2015

Re: DG's Today's Special Velvet Pants

Wow!  Velvet is having a moment isn't it?  They are pretty but I don't think i need a pair.  It does get me in the holiday mood!  For all that order and like them enjoy!

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Posts: 21,261
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: DG's Today's Special Velvet Pants

@SaveTheTurtles wrote:

DG ain't what it used to be years ago. Quality and sizing went down hill. Velvet? Is velvet ever a good idea? Asking for a friend....

@SaveTheTurtles     Only if you like a shiny rear end

♥Surface of the Sun♥
Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,557
Registered: ‎10-09-2012

Re: DG's Today's Special Velvet Pants

I liked them, until I saw they made the inseams way too long.  I saw Debbie D, who is very tall, wearing the tall inseam.  She could almost step on the hem, which made them look sloppy.  


Petite: 29.5"


Average: 32.5"


Tall: 35.5"