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D&Co. - how come no easy pay?

There are some really cute new D&C tops, but not one is on easy pay. I thought more easy pay would be offered since they had the TSV. Maybe if there's a flash easy pay sale later today, I'll try something. 

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Re: D&Co. - how come no easy pay?

I noticed that too.  I haven't bought much because I use easy pay all of the time.  I have to send so many things back, I resigned myself to using easy pay.


I've saved a lot of money today with no easy pay.  Yea!  Ha!

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Re: D&Co. - how come no easy pay?

Did anyone notice that the TSV at midnight was not on easy pay but now it is? I guess it was not selling and they needed to get more sales!!!

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Re: D&Co. - how come no easy pay?

I rely on easy pay, too.....I haven't bought anything....I keep checking the recently aired items...only a couple of tops of interest...but no e-z pay....not buying...I am not watching...

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Re: D&Co. - how come no easy pay?

if you have a q card they give easy pay on all items on air.

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Registered: ‎11-30-2013

Re: D&Co. - how come no easy pay?

@tockerman wrote:

if you have a q card they give easy pay on all items on air.

With all due respect, a Q card is the the LAST thing I need! :-) :-) Woman Embarassed