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Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

I'd like to buy the cascading velvet hangers they are selling the Denim & Co tshirts on.  They have a notch on the bottom so another hanger can fit on it.  I tried HSN but no luck.  I'd also like the pants clips they are using to show the sweatpants on.  Any ideas where to find these items for sale?  Maybe QVC could make them.?  I would buy a bunch~ they would make my tiny closet hold more shirts!

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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

[ Edited ]


velvet will be back in stock


they've sold them for yrs

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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

Google cascading hangers  Lots on Amazon and Bed Bath & Beyond

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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

@Helen Bach    Keep in mind, if you add many cascading hangers to your closet, you add a lot of additional weight.  I used to use cascading hooks and twice ended up with an entire pole of clothes in on humongous heap in the floor of the closet when the pole broke.  What a mess!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

@Kachina624     The same happened to me in two closets after using Joy Mangano's huggable hangers.   I still love the hangers but try no to overload the rods. 

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

@luvzchiz    I learned my lesson.  I don't cascade at all.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Helen Bach    Keep in mind, if you add many cascading hangers to your closet, you add a lot of additional weight.  I used to use cascading hooks and twice ended up with an entire pole of clothes in on humongous heap in the floor of the closet when the pole broke.  What a mess!

@Kachina624    I also had an upper pantry shelf come down.   You can imagine the sound it made when everything hit the tile floor!  di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

I had my closet rod come crashing down, too! Waaay too much clothing on it. I ended up reinforcing the rod brackets and putting longer screws into the wall studs. Got rid of a lot of clothes to lighten the load also. What a mess that was.

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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

OMG!  The same happened to me.  That was a nightmare!


I still cascade, but only one additional hanger, not the two or three cascading down like I used to do.  Plus, I decreased the amount of folded clothes like jeans and sweaters that I had also placed on top.  Live & learn.



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Re: Cascading velvet hangers for sale? Denim & Co TSV

7496E38D-81CE-4C53-A19B-53C1C9FD46AE.jpegBefore you start to " cascade " any type of hanger ( metal or velvet ), you need to have very secure rods and wall bolts.  Ordinary walk in closets do not have them so you will experience the mishaps described in these posts.


When we had the master suite addition put on, I walked the builder through what I was going to do in my closet:  this included reinforced rods at different wall heights for change of season clothes storage where I definitely was going to cascade from ceiling to floor.


Suggestion:  At the top, use only metal hangers.  From midpoint down, the velvet ones are fine.  Cheaper velvets can have the little hook break I use the separately purchased slip over hooks.


hip height in front of the change of season ceiling height:



My walk in turned into a walk through when I gave up room for a shower added to the master bathroom:





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Sir Winston Churchill