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That line doesn't seem to be doing that well. I could not get into her over size, huge collared sherpa open cardigans. They're too big, uncomfortable and bulky for every day wear in my house.

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@MezzieStarr wrote:

My guess would be one of her oversized sherpa loungers.


She's had one every year in October/November for the last several years.


First under the G.i.l.i. line, now under the Bumblebella line.


I got one for $14.00 on clearance years ago to see what the hype was all about. It was horrible.


Prior to that her obsession was the Obi belt. Remember those? 😑


This is one of those lines I'm surprised the Q hangs on to.

Exactly!!! They got rid of Jason Wu, Candace Bure, and other lines and they keep this one. It's beyond me. Most of the items in this,line get low reviews. 

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I like that it doesn't have the gigantic hood which pulls the entire garment backwards and off my shoulders.


This one has potential.  I'd have to see the colors and patterns.



~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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I wish her well but I won't be purchasing that item.

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Quite frankly, I don't know what to think about all this oversized sherpa stuff.  Never had any because it looks like it would shed all over the place and be too hot.


I'll check it out just like I always do and probably end up passing just like I always do....heck, I didn't even buy KG's pants yesterday!!!  And they sold around 80 or 90,000 of them. Cat LOL

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Re: BumbleBella TSV

[ Edited ]



And the Comfy is CLOSED in the front!!! It's still droopy, but at least it's not flapping open in the wind, around your legs, or as you reach for something on the gas stove!!!


Even closures....buh hons, zippers, hook and loop, a rope belt...wouldn't save this thing...


The other thing about Sherpa is it washes so weird.....


Cheap fabric, no "style", just a ....hate to say it....Sherpa Shmatta....


My only regret is that I toiled life long when I coulda been a "designer" if this is all it takes....

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Re: BumbleBella TSV

[ Edited ]



They moved that gigantic overweight useless hood to the the form of giant lapels.....



Now your back has to do all the work holding all that Sherpa up!!!


I wonder if hairs are included ( the ones you find all knotted up in that material the first time you wash one knows where they come from....but there they are!!!




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Re: BumbleBella TSV

[ Edited ]

Well, if it's a jacket or robe, doesn't it need to have a way to close it? So cheap, not to have a closure- uhhhh, no thanks. 
I feel for her being sick, but didn't they learn from last year's lack of success? 

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I'm calling it Sherpenstein. It's something that should be dead, but some crazy designers keep sewing different parts together in odd ways to resurrect it from the dead again this year. Please, please, just let the Sherpa monster die!

That being said, Jill looks cute at the pumpkin patch, not because of what she's wearing, but because of the nice smile on her face and she looks happy.
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