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Re: Bose Wave IV TSV - any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back?

@Tall Nurse 1 


What a shame!!!! Go to BestBuy and buy it!  


I would be extremely frustrated & annoyed since 1) I'm not tech savvy and 2) Bose Q sells not quality.


I bought my system 15+ years ago and purchased 3 CD changer over $700 but it's still working fine and yes, love my Christmas CDs.


There is nothing like the sound of music through my Bose🙂🙂

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Re: Bose Wave IV TSV - any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back?

@Tall Nurse 1 wrote:

I purchased the Bose Wave IV to stream music from external sources as discussed in all of the QVC "infomercials" during TSV day. I purchased the PAWW bluetooth receiver to enable this. I hooked it up according to instructions and no sound would play when I paired it with my android phone pandora app, nor when paired with my IPAD. I also plugged in my Alexa Echo to the AUX in and the sound quality was abominable with sound only coming out of one speaker on the Bose no matter what type of music I streamed. I'm thinking the AUX in on the unit isn't working properly and this is a mighty price to pay for a faulty unit. Otherwise the sound is amazing when I play a CD or the radio. But if it's not functioning in the way it was presented that it could be used, it's of no use to me. I'm wondering if audiophiles out there have any suggestions before I pack everything up and send it back.

my experience is that when things don't work right from the start they never do


send it back 



have you looked at Sonos?

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Re: Bose Wave IV TSV - any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back?

@Tall Nurse 1 wrote:

After speaking with tech support at Bose, I was advised to return as defective. Thanks for everyone's comments!


@Tall Nurse 1 


But the question is, will you exchange for another Bose or scrap the idea altogether???


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Re: Bose Wave IV TSV - any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back?

I have had a Bose for over 15 years & it still works great!

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Re: Bose Wave IV TSV - any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back?

My story is almost identical to yours @viva923 .

The Bose purchase was a big disappointment. Did a lot of research , are thrilled with set up that we wound up getting and still love it.




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Re: Bose Wave IV TSV - any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back?

@viva923 wrote:


my husband purchased a Bose system several years ago thru QVC. It worked maybe 2 weeks and darn thing quit. We spent a fortune on this system. I can not remember what we did with the Bose system. I think my husband contacted Qvc to find out returning it for replacement. Nope could not do it. We had a Bose system that was broken, it was good money down the drain. I would never ever purchase a Bose system from anyone again. My husband picked up pieces and parts from different sound system places and we have a wow system in our house now that has lasted us many years. Good luck with your return.



Wondering why you didn't return it 

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Registered: ‎03-17-2021

Re: Bose Wave IV TSV - any suggestions before I pack it up and send it back?

My first BOSE System IV purchase. When I received it damaged, I was offered a decent discount and decided to keep it. The sound quality I thought was great until I heard another BOSE System IV. My system sounds like it doesn't have any base and I have to turn up the volume to get a fully good sound. So saddened to have to return, but after hearing another person's BOSE system with a larger home than mine, I realized I wasn't getting the same sound quality. BTW, the other person purchased their BOSE System IV directly from BOSE. 


Thanks for this forum. I'm not the only unsatisfied BOSE customer.