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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

@LindaSal Ok I understand and I'm glad you're happy with your tree.  You are lucky that it doesn't shed.  I can't believe how much our tree does!

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Just doing some fake Christmas tree shopping on line for comparison.


It is not difficult to find a tree that costs in excess of $2000. 


I dunno.   That just seems, wrong. 

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

They're beautiful trees, I wouldn't be able to decide from the four different colors. I just got a new tree last year so I don't need another but it would be very difficult to choose if I had to.

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

@beach-mom @Carolina925 @SactoSue @haddon9 @LindaSal 


I purchased the tabletop size Kim Gravel tree in the pink color Sugarplum and I’m enjoying it!

The cashmere color was beautiful too.

Its small and I only have room for "small".

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Although I think it's a pretty tree I do not care for LED lights at all.

i have several of the Woodland trees from years  ago and unfortunately after 2 years the lights in different sections went out.

This happened on all 5 of my trees. Also purchased the matching garland 6 of them and within two years only two light. So my faith in Bethlehem Lights is gone.its Its unfortunate because they do make lovely trees. I have kept my woodland trees  but I have to put lights on each tree now which is a pain.

On the  other hand Valerie's tree I purchased several years ago in the 9' size has been the best purchase of a tree I have made. It's light weight easy to put up and the lights still work going on 5 years. So I highly recommend her trees.

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

I wanted the 3.5 inch and missed out..When i saw it was sold out i bought an as is one that someone mentioned here.Thanks!..The tree we have been using is a BL 3.5 flocked(real flocking that sheds some) that i bought in 2020 on clearance for an amazing price out the door of 16$ and still use it as its beautiful..I wanted another one with more lights and was thrilled to get the as is one!

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

You obviously don't own either one of the trees.  You may find them to be the same but they are very different.  I bought the micro 3in1 tree with storage back 2023 which was a spruce tree.  It had many of the same features but the new tree added white lights as addiitonal color (making it 4in1).  It also added the sparkle function to the pastel.  My tree only has warm white, 9 jewel tone multi and pastel.  The new tree has white, warm white, 7 tone multi and 7 tone pastel.  So the colors are different.  Also my 7ft micro 3in1 tree has 2353 molded tips and the 7-1/2 TSV has 2825.  My tree has 50 more lights in spite of being 6in shorter.  They both are 48in diameter but my 7ft is a few pounds lighter.  If I didn't have the 2023 7ft micro light tree, I definitely would have bought todays TSV.  I like mine better for the differences between the two and don't feel in any way I've been screwed.  I find it ironic so many here on thi forum are critical of products yet don't own them, don't have the money to buy them or are jealous.

@Dennieee wrote:

They make it seem like these  Bethlehem Lights trees are even better than the ones that they had for the TSV for Christmas in July also made by BL. That would suck for anyone who bought them in July. 


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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

Maybe because the 2023 micro 3in1  which I own and today's TSV are spruce tree variety.  Typically all BL trees are noble or fir variety.  The smaller needle trees offer more room for ornaments and the lights are more visible.  That may be why you're thinking they're not flashy and bold.  Also white and pastels are on trend again...

@livinthelife101 wrote:
All the new light functions seem nice but the tree itself meaning the branches look lackluster but maybe that’s just me. And honestly, all the Christmas decorations on the sets at the Q this season were very underwhelming to me. Everything seemed very pastel to me and there just weren’t enough decorations on the sets but that’s just my opinion. I wonder if some of their long time set designsers left or retired?

y are less than.

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

@sissy01 wrote:

I just put up my tree from July. I think it's actually better than todays tsv. More options for color changing. I will say that the one on air is very beautiful. Mine also has a foot pedal

The TSV has a foot pedal also

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Re: Bethlehem Lights TSV - November 5, 2024

I was up late last night and tuned into QVC to see the trees and was quite interested in the 3.5ft tree they offered.  I was thinking one for addl tree in living room but was tired and went to bed.  When I got up this morning they were all sold out.  I'd like to see BL bring in 3.5fts because they would be such a nice gift for someone in a nursing home or convalescent home.  That size is also easy to fit into a small space like a dining room, kitchen, guest bedroom.