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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

I actually thought it was sherpa when I first saw it, LOL!    I thought, Oh here we go another sherpa cover up and then I realized it was another BD cardigan.   Regardless,

the cozy chic people will be out in full force.  Hope you like it and enjoy!


@Othereeeen, too funny!!!!

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

The black will be my perfect office sweater. My job always has problems with the heat not working right in Jan-Feb, so this will keep me warm at work. And I always keep my cardigans open, or I would feel like I'm having a hot flash.

I also bought the petite black CozyChic Light pants. Not sure if I will like the ribbed texture though. Will it make it look way too casual? I have the smooth version of their pants and love them, but I wanted some in black and not their stupid carbon color, which I guess is the "Malibu" version of black.
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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

I wonder if maybe the Nov 27 BFD TSV will be another hat/scarf set like they had in the past? That one was a big seller. I see an accessories show scheduled that day, so it makes sense to me. I just wish they would make their hats bigger, because they never seem to fit my big head.
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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

I never button cardigans.   I am busty and buttoning just emphasizes that.   Also, it makes cardigans too hot for me.   I don't mind cardis without buttons.  If I want a closed topper,  I wear a jacket.


I don't like the cozy chic fabric as it is just too hot for me.  



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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

Do I need to say it?


Easy peasy pass for me. Cat LOL

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

It lacks shape, just a bag with sleeves. I often button my longer cardigans and belt them over a turtleneck or t-shirt. Quality buttons are expensive, but worth it to me.

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

@Othereeeen wrote:



Haven't noticed "bedroom" mispronounced ( yet)...probably because I rarely watch the mattress shows...Have you?


But I can almost the end of today...SOME host, or the vendor ,will refer to this rag as.....wait for it....


"SHE" !!!!!!!!!!


Good thing I gotta finish outside cleanup today before the rains come ....but I'd bet on it!!!

Sorry, the word 'bedroom' or any word with a 'd' in the middle is on HGTV, on House Hunters.  Watch sometime, and you'll see what I'm talking about!!!

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

This TSV is a disappointment.

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

@scrapperlisa wrote:
@Carolina925i have several BFD cardigans but there are two colors I will never try again. One is faded rose because it washes me out and the other is pearl because it looks the most bathrobe-ish on me, and it does make me look heavier, especially in the CozyChic thick fabric.

I bought the black because it is a color they rarely offer, and is not some washed-out "Malibu" color like everything else. If they offered prettier, brighter colors like pink, purple, or red, I would buy more of them. I wish they had an evergreen color and a deep red for Christmas. I just don't understand this marketing strategy of limiting their color palette. SMH.

These dusty, muted colors are very SoCal beach, still. Although I agree they look dated, I still see them walking around, though. I don't even try them because as a cool-toned olive, this wash makes me look ill. 

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

I bought a BD taupe tunic length years ago. It is the best robe  I've ever had. I wear it over my nightgowns when it is cold in the house. I would NEVER wear it outside the house because it is really ugly. Even though it is ugly it is warm and cozy. . I wear it almost everyday in the winter.