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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

[ Edited ]

Immediate pass, no deliberation.  I like the style but the Cozy Chic weight is way too thick, heavy, and hot for this old lady.  I probably would have purchased 2-3 if they were a lighter weight.  

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

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I love Barefoot Dreams, and I never fasten my cardigans. 


However, this is an easy pass for me.


I don't like the long fluff pile cozy chic at all, not even in their throws, which I have just one.  That extra loft knit looks awful very quickly.  It looks very old, worn, and matted to me.


I love their cozy chic lite, the cozy chic ultra lite, and the cozy chic boucle.

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VRe: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

This is a pass for several reasons.  The cozy fabric looks like an old matted bathrobe after worn and washed for a period of time.  Also, it's too heavy.  And third, the colors are similar tones to those they have been selling for years.  For me, there is no need to buy this TSV no matter what the price.

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

I had already sort of talked myself into finally getting a Barefoot Dreams this year as a special Christmas gift for myself. The closeups on this fabric don't appeal to me. I really wanted the white (pearl, I think they're calling it) but the presentation just hasn't sold me yet. I have heavy hips and worry how this may accentuate it. Hoping the white sells out quickly so I don't have to fret over it. I never button up my sweaters so the money saving trick they used on this (omitting buttons and button holes) doesn't much matter to me.

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

Does not appear to me to be anything buttons for closing so easy pass. 


I have a couple items in this brand but I won't be buying anymore.  I think their items are overpriced...but I am sure there are many that are happy with this item and will purchase, enjoy.

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023



@beach-mom @beach-mom @Mom2Dogs @Tshirtgal @Caaareful Shopper 


I did own a Cozy Chic lite hoodie that I couldn't resist when they first came to QVC.

'However, I ordered a too-large size and was never happy with it because it was too big. The color was a beautiful winter white... I have forgotten the actual name of the color.

I gave it away.


Another issue I had with it was that the neckline where the hood was attached didn't stretch well enough to get over my head.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

Nothing apoealing about it. Looks like those fluffie blankets QVC sold in packs of two for $30 a few years back. Nice at first; later looked like matted cat fur.

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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

@LTT1   I had a couple of the shorter open sweaters, I do not recall what they called them.  


The colors were pretty, one is s-m, the other large (not exacly sure of the sizing on the large). One was snug on my arms the other is just big..


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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023



I remember the color (imo) was so beautiful and the knit was very cozy-feeling.


But I have looked for that color occasionally since, and have not seen it being offered.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Barefoot Dreams TSV - November 20, 2023

[ Edited ]

@Lovevienna wrote:

This must be a highway robbery. Almost $90 for rayon and nylon! Seriously. Who would buy this? I just don't understand this! How do they come up with these prices? People consider Macys. Often they sell cashmere sweaters on Black Friday for $39.00. I can't believe these prices for such junks!

"Who would buy this?"  May be "junks" to you, but over 8,000 have already sold, that's who.  I'm passing on this but hope those that buy it love it.