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Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

Another boring weekend lineup for TSVs...



Saturday Nov 18.....More HP computers


Sunday Double Header of boredom.....QVC Nov 19....Tech Gifts ...

Sunday HSN....MORE Apple stuff 



This on top of today's yawner....Bose Soundbar...


Another thread mentioned TWO weeks of Barefoot Dreams TSVs...



Sheesh QVC can't you find something better than all this overpriced "tech" stuff ( most of which is outdated) or the same ole same ole droopfest vendors ????


SO boring. I can understand that tech stuff may be popular...but THREE TSVs in the same weekend? 


I suppose we'll be looking forward to Dyson vacs on a Saturday followed by a Bissel or Shark product that does....wait for it...the exact same thing on Sunday. (OOOPS!!! I'm wrong...Bissel is on HSN on Monday!!!!)


O well.I for one will be saving money.



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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19



Couldn't agree more!!! Cat Frustrated

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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

Seriously, those items might be of interest to others, and QVC knows what works for them.  Yawning?  Take a nap.

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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

Tech items are in demand around this time of year. I will personally be purchasing an I-Pad Air next week during the Black Friday sales, from (Best Buy) and a wireless keyboard for my IPAD Air, from (Amazon).



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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

I like tech stuff. Even though I may not buy anything, I like to listen and learn. There's always new technology that I might find interesting and someday use.

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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

@Othereeeen   Nothing much is intrinsically boring.


  What bores you might be exactly what someone else wants to see.  For example, I do not buy jewelry, fall and winter clothes, eye makeup, or shoes and boots.   That makes those shows boring for me, but it dosn't mean the show itself is boring -  they might even be shows you look forward to seeing.

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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

It's easy , turn the channel !

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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

Speaking for myself of course,  the Q hasn't had a TSV I would buy for a very looong time. 

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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

I love tech stuff but will not buy from a shopping network!  Best buy, Apple, or directly from manufacture with support and get the latest version.  Have never had an issue.

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Re: Another ( Tech) Yawner Weekend Nov 18/19

Tech items might be in high demand currently but anyone interested in tech knows better than to buy these items from QVC.