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Another HP laptop; another 900p display!

Why can't QVC get with the times and bring in FHD (1080p) displays?  I just don't understand why in 2023, they are still pimping out these subpar displays.


Is there a way to contact someone at the Q to put in a suggestion like this?

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Re: Another HP laptop; another 900p display!

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Re: Another HP laptop; another 900p display!

From what I read here and from what my DH says when he looks at the computer offerings here, the computers QVC offers are NOT state of the art and probably appeal to people who don't care about the latest version and just want a good price and easy pay.



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Re: Another HP laptop; another 900p display!

l have gotten a couple of computers from qvc , they are outdated, full of extra stuff not needed and some free programs that are hard to install and difficult if not impossible to remove , They always add a few trinkets to make it seem like a good price .

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Re: Another HP laptop; another 900p display!

@Drewps5co0tt    The computer being sold today is already off my buy list because it's more powerful than I need or even want it to be.

Most likely QVC has as many buyers like you who want the newest but just as many like me who haven't paid for newest for a very long time.  

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Re: Another HP laptop; another 900p display!

They might get Easy Pay, but odds are against finding a great price.


As far as it goes, a friend recently bought a new computer on Amazon and was offered the option of installment payments. 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Posts: 228
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Re: Another HP laptop; another 900p display!

[ Edited ]

@kaydee50 wrote:

From what I read here and from what my DH says when he looks at the computer offerings here, the computers QVC offers are NOT state of the art and probably appeal to people who don't care about the latest version and just want a good price and easy pay.


That's not exactly a true statement.  For black Friday week, the Q usually brings in their best/most spec'd out laptop of the year!  Last year, I was going to buy but once again, they threw in a 900p display and I was like you gotta be kidding me?  I was very disappointed.


I'm not fond of going straight to the companies to buy anymore because their sites are such a mess and unorganized and they just don't seem to offer "choices" like the shopping network offers when it comes to color options, etc.


The cost difference between a 900p display and a FHD display (1080p) in the laptop world (non-touch) is like $20-$30, there is simply no excuse for them to continue doing this.


Today's TSV is laughable!  They have a very cheap AMD processor that is as slow as a snail, horrible color options (besides the blue).  I plan on buying a Macbook Air after the 15" model is released, but I'm still waiting out on a decent laptop to upgrade my current 9 year old Windows laptop.  I'm hoping this fall, it will finally happen.  I'm willing to compromise on the display resolution, but the processor, RAM, SSD and ports (inlcuding a SD card slot) need to be up there, or I'm not buying.