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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I got the Echo last year from my husband, and it was easy to set up and use. However, I learned more that it does by listening to QVCs demos (and my Alexa was answering while they were doing the demo lol). So anyway now i have it doing all it can. PS) I just ordered my son the new Echo Dot for Christmas. The Dot does the same things, only its smaller and only 50 dollars.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

@Shorty2U wrote:

I got the Echo last year from my husband, and it was easy to set up and use. However, I learned more that it does by listening to QVCs demos (and my Alexa was answering while they were doing the demo lol). So anyway now i have it doing all it can. PS) I just ordered my son the new Echo Dot for Christmas. The Dot does the same things, only its smaller and only 50 dollars.


There is also a big difference in the sound quality.  Just to clarify all the differences.


Occasional Contributor
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎10-29-2016

I love the Amazon Echo, i can even play the radio stations from my home town of Va and i live in Orlando.  I use it when typing letters and i get stuck on a word i can't spell, i ask Echo how to spell it and it does.  Also use it to turn light on & off in my living room, ask the weather.  Havent tried to order anything from Amazon or pay my Captiol One bill yet. I also use to to find what's playing at the movie theater down the road or what time a certain dept store open & closes.