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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

I really enjoy going to the movies, but haven't been since the pandemic.  Had a Wednesday afternoon movie friend , but she moved away.  It was nice, because the theatre was usually nearly empty, so it felt like a private showing.  I miss that.

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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

We would rather stay at home and watch a movie in our PJs that go out.

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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

@kaydee50 wrote:

IMO there are some movies that should be seen in a theater.  Others would be fine watching on a small screen.


I haven't gone to a movie theater in years but the very remote chance of a random shooting wouldn't stop me if I really wanted to see the movie.



If the chance is more that remote, you might change your mind.

Well obviously if it is that likely to happen!! yes--stay home!

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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

@J Town Girl wrote:


Of course we also never had to have live shooter drills in our schools either.  The most we had was fire drills.  




my comment--->OFF TOPIC.gif


@J Town Girl  Your comment made me chuckle.  I went to Catholic school during the 50's-60's. 

We had ATOM BOMB drills.  A funny sounding bell would ring & use kids had to hide under our desks.173836.gif

I didn't even know what a fire drill was until my senior year at public high school. Smiley Embarassed




I never stopped going to the movies except during the pandemic when they closed down.

I always sit in an ailse seat in the middle of the theater.  Anthing goes down, I can either "hide" under the seat in front of me or be one of the first ones to run to the "back" exit door.  "Shooters" are always at the "front" exits.


I don't let fear and/or germs run and/or take hold of my life.





"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

There are definitely movies that should be seen in a theater, so that's where we go.  The only difference is that my husband discovered a theater near us in a suburb of NYC that has a Tuesday morning 11am show that's discounted.  That's his preference and there's hardly ever anyone there.  I rarely get a chance to take a Tuesday off other than vacation, so we do go on weekends and evenings too.   Most of the theaters we go to are relatively new and very clean. 

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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

I have a short attention span and am not a big fan of watching movies.  I very rarely watch a movie on my TV.   Most of the movies I've watched in a theater in my lifetime were animated movies my girls wanted to see.  


This area has no movie theater at this time.  The closest one is 45 minutes north, and NO movie would tempt me to drive there, pay that price, and sit in a theater with others, when I probably wouldn't even watch that movie in my own home from the comfort of my recliner.  

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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

Use to be big movie and drive in goers back in the day.  Some movies are just better on the big screen.  

I don't go as often as I use to but still go every now and then.  Last one I went to was Barbie with my daughter and grand daughter and we had a good time. 


Movie going has gotten expense.  Cheaper to watch at home and make popcorn. But sometimes you just got to do something different too. 



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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

[ Edited ]

@GoneButNotForgotten - It is a scary world out there. We still go to our local theater, but not as much as we used to. We do try to select a smaller theater section, and not one of the larger ones.




The last movie DH and I saw, during the summer on a Friday night,  was a special showing of American Graffiti We were at a larger theater, not that near us, and it was our first time there. About 3/4 of the way through the movie, the screen suddenly went black, and we were told to proceed to the nearest exit, then walk across the parking lot to the other side.





DH and I went out the exit by the screen. I was frightened. You probably know what I was thinking. None of us knew what was going on. People were cooperating, letting other rows out. DH turned to grab his popcorn and drink, and I told him to leave them. I did take my bag. 


When we got outside, theater employees directed everyone far from the theater. We were halfway there and I turned to see an employee run back in. I relaxed a little, thinking if it had been a very dangerous situation she wouldn't have gone back in.



We waited with others for a while, then decided to go to our car and leave. People were coming in for later movies, not knowing what was going on. As we were leaving we heard sirens, and the police and fire trucks came in.




 I called Monday. They gave everybody tickets to another movie. It turns out it was an electrical situation in the snack bar area. 



One thing that helps is the selection of movies. I won't go to any futuristic, scary/horror, or "Avenger-type" movies. We saw Oppenheimer and enjoyed that. I did see Barbie and My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 with DD. Smiley Happy




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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

I am not a big movie fan, but my husband is.  He buys just about every movie worth seeing and over the years he has amasted quite a collection...first in DVD's, then CDs.


I can't tell you for certain the last movie I saw in a theatre, but I think it could have been Shrek.


I could live the rest of my life without movies and a TV.  Just don't take away my books and reading material.


I do enjoy live theatre, though.





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Re: watching movies: at home or in a theater?

First of all, we were done with movie theatres years before Covid.  Rude people, dirty theaters, then people started eating not just snacks and we were done.


Secondly, there hasn't been a movie we cared about long before Covid--and the tv is rarely turned on now as well.