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Word is she's with him for his money. We know how she loves that. His ex had multiple restraining orders out on him saying he abused her and tried to destroy her business. She finally decided to sue him. I'm not certain about the status of the lawsuit. It's only a matter of time before this relationship dissolves.

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She looks like she had work done on her face.

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Did you see Marge & Marge Sr. on WWHL 12 doorbells of Christmas? If you can utube it please do. Marge had so much work done she doesn't look like herself. Andy asked her if she like Theresa's b/f she replied she never met him. They do film months ahead of time. She had no idea Theresa had a b/f until after the filming. She also told Andy when I do meet him I will let you know what I think. Marge doesn't hold back. 

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Registered: ‎12-30-2019

She seemed to me to have a more chiseled face before with cheek bones so she does look  kinda different. Maybe they switched looks now he has it!

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I lost all interest in all these "housewife" shows a long time ago.


All money hungry and even if scripted too obnoxious and mean for me!


In fact, when Lisa Rinna started selling clothes on QVC I was surprised that QVC would partner with such "trash" let alone any people would buy her clothing (just my opinion).



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I can see a bit of resemblance to Joe.  

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Registered: ‎10-16-2020

Their relationship serves a purpose.  haha


As an aside, her daughters are all very pretty.  Odd that.

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Registered: ‎01-28-2016

Thats just what I thought !!!!