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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

@mantaraye wrote:


Just curious about Meghan, she continues to drink with the ladies, I thought drinking while breast feeding was a big no, no. I guess times have changed.

Not really!   Smiley LOL

Back when I had my 1st baby, my mom came to visit, & was beyond thrilled that I'd decided to nurse.

What I remember is that in the evening, she'd set a beer next to me as I nursed, & say "Beer is a milk maker!" LOL!

Muddling through...
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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

You would think Vicki would have told him to turn off the camera or to leave because she didn't feel well. The sheet thing made me laugh.

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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

Meghan has to bring her baby so she can nurse.  Besdes that, she seems to be with that child very little.  The nanny seems to be with the child more than Meghan is.  Meghan is just a very selfish and self absorbed woman.  She also appears to care for no one but herself and is a bit lazy.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

Peggy does not fit in with these women at all. She was concerned about Vicki but she should not have been. After all Vicki came back from the ER and drank champagne and ate her casserole which she was happy she got from the women. Was it an act? Too much drinking at her age? Don’t know. Kelly was mean and selfish eating with Meghan dinner and then being mean to Peggy. 


Meghan was selfish as well. She spends not much time with her baby. That whole scene between Tamra and Vicki looked too fake. Tamra can’t cry believably to me. 

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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

This entire episode was a joke.


The program gave insight to the character of all the individuals involved.


The person who had respect was Lydia. She did go directly to the hospital. Peggy had consideration by going later but did have genuine concern during all of Vicki's drama. It was drama.


Whether the drama is real or not when someone in your group is rushed to the hospital you do not let them go alone. You show concern and do not immediately laugh it off and only think of your needs first.


Peggy does not understand these women and they do not understand her. Peggy does not have social/girlfriend skills. They eat her alive and actually she doesn't care what they think. She does not respect them. A different culture and way of living.


The group had a party and drank and yada,yada each other and the dying Vicki lead the way. Group hug everyone, and everyone tell everyone what to do and not do.


The group is nasty, loud, selfish, some self righteous, some green with envy and all self involved.


There are no friendships and the only thing with value with this show is the Bravo paycheck they each receive.

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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

So Vicky is seriously ill on the verge of near death and gets released within a few hrs of being on her death bed and is able to go back to drinking and eating and whooping it up. Please she probably had nothing wrong with her the whole thing was a set up.


@AngusandBuddhasMom  Right? You'd think she would have wanted to go straight to bed after getting back from the hospital.


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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

Can't stand Vicki,remember she had to be the one who was hurt the most in the snowmobile incident,and then was released ,she has said she is the head of this group,I believe this was fake Vicky,she wanted to get Tamara to get on her knees,and grovel.and now she tells boyfriend she has a clot in her leg?of course everyone heard that.Shannon is right s he will hurt Tamra again ,yes she is jealous but we know vicky,it has to be all about her.

I believe vicky was faking or was sick from drinking, altitude,bad food,thats vicky.










she wants all the attemmmm

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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

@winamac1 wrote:

I only saw the first 30 minutes of this episode.   My opinion may change after I see all of it. 


That being said, Meghan is so selfish and self serving.  She is the only one who said she was not going to the hospital.  Granted, only Lydia and Peggy did, but at least the others WERE planning on going.  Meghan truly does disgust me.  It's ALL about Meghan.


I'm not a fan of Vicki, but I do think she was very ill.  The lack of sleep, the drinking, the activity, the time change, the light 20 hours a day would all help make for a bit of a meltdown.  I can see that happening to someone at any age, and especially someone over 50.  I do not think she was faking her initial attack.  She looked awful.


Kelly is such a nutcase.  She acted selfishly too.  I thought Peggy and Lydia were kind to go to the hospital.  Granted, Peggy in her "confessional" spoke about having a great marriage to Diko, and we clearly know that's not the case.  But, besides that she seems like a caring woman who is not anywhere near as selfish as the rest of them.  



@winamac1  Vicki and the rest are getting too old to get drunk and so often, must be in denial.  

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Re: real housewives of orange county....10/30/17...."news," spoilers, gossip

For a woman who thought she was dying over what appears to have been an anxiety attack, Vicki sure was pretty nonchalant about a blood clot and having to inject blood thinners.  Um, Vick, THAT is serious (if true).