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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

Yes @CANDLEQUEEN Carole said she was underweight.  I think she's 5'7" and she must weigh under 120 (not that that's the cutoff - I don't know).


I just looked and you have to weigh 110.  

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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

@VanSleepy wrote:

I don't think any of them except Tinsley actually donated blood, did they?  One was underweight, one was out of the country recently, and I don't remember the other reasons.  And Bethenney just had to instruct her assistant to be on camera announcing the amount of her donation.


Luann said a few times that she was going to be alone for the holidays.  Did she forget she has children?  Maybe they'd rather be with their father.

I forgot about the announcing of Bethennys donation....she obviously was instructed by Bethenny to do that. It was the exact same presentation of the envelopes with announcement in Porto Rico. Don't get me wrong...the donation is fantastic but the announcement is totally unnecessary IMO.

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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

I didn't see the entire episode.  I saw the beginning until they left the Berkshires and then I saw Bethenny's holiday party.


I'd like to know the real truth between B and Carol because they both have such different versions of what happened about everything from Adam to the marathon.  I've never cared for Carol at all and I don't care for B but Carol was getting on my last nerve when she kept interrupting everything B said instead of letting her finish.   I did have to laugh at the hypocrisy of B telling Carol she's more into clothes, make-up, selfies, etc.  This coming from a woman who posted a photo of herself in her daughter's pajamas. 


LuAnn is just a messy, sloppy drunk and doesn't really have much class at all.  She inserted herself into the fight between Carol and B, bringing up the fact that Adam had been dating her niece, yet again. That had nothing to do with anything but LuAnn had to go there.  I think LuAnn started dating Tom and married him because she is one of those pathetic women who just can't be by herself.  She jumps from man to man. 


After the accusation by B about Carol being more into clothes and make-up, I had to laugh when they showed Carol walking into B's holiday party with sunglasses on.  Why?  B lives in an apartment building. So Carol walked into the building, rode up the elevator and into B's apartment, all the while wearing sunglasses.  She looked ridiculous.   And no matter how much Carol is into clothes, her choices are awful and most of her wardrobe is hideous.  Those gold pants were atrocious.              

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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

[ Edited ]

My observcations...


They're all a bunch of pit vipers... They almost all snark at each other and tell tales out of school... Leading the pack, as far as I'm concerned, are Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda and yes, even 'above it all' Carole...  who has this nasty habit of mean-spirited commentary in her little 'side bars' and of slipping in zingers like her reference last night to Bethenny in saying 'narcissts are sometimes like that' or something along those lines...


Does Carole even own a brush or any other hair styling appliance...


While I agree Bethenny might have made more of a point of thanking Dorinda, she did turn to her and tell her she 'saved Christmas' on top of going over the top gleeful... And then there was Dorinda going on about how she just wanted to do something that Bethenny couldn't... 


While maybe not as overtly nuts, Ramona still gripes me because she's a world-class pot stirrer...


Bethenny is Bethenny and she'll never change her spots...


Lu looked a bit harsh, but until her Florida debacle, she still seemed one of the more sane among them to me...


The only one who seemed genuinely caring was Tinsley, who I still find adds little to the show, but at least she's not always causing trouble...


It was my understanding that none of them could give blood because they'd been to Mexico within the last year... 



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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I didn't see the entire episode.  I saw the beginning until they left the Berkshires and then I saw Bethenny's holiday party.


I'd like to know the real truth between B and Carol because they both have such different versions of what happened about everything from Adam to the marathon.  I've never cared for Carol at all and I don't care for B but Carol was getting on my last nerve when she kept interrupting everything B said instead of letting her finish.   I did have to laugh at the hypocrisy of B telling Carol she's more into clothes, make-up, selfies, etc.  This coming from a woman who posted a photo of herself in her daughter's pajamas. 


LuAnn is just a messy, sloppy drunk and doesn't really have much class at all.  She inserted herself into the fight between Carol and B, bringing up the fact that Adam had been dating her niece, yet again. That had nothing to do with anything but LuAnn had to go there.  I think LuAnn started dating Tom and married him because she is one of those pathetic women who just can't be by herself.  She jumps from man to man. 


After the accusation by B about Carol being more into clothes and make-up, I had to laugh when they showed Carol walking into B's holiday party with sunglasses on.  Why?  B lives in an apartment building. So Carol walked into the building, rode up the elevator and into B's apartment, all the while wearing sunglasses.  She looked ridiculous.   And no matter how much Carol is into clothes, her choices are awful and most of her wardrobe is hideous.  Those gold pants were atrocious.              

I think Lu was drunk when she brought up Adam and her niece again. She was obviously at her low point and it was ugly.

Carole is not one to take fashion tips from.....I think she looks horrible this season. 


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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I didn't see the entire episode.  I saw the beginning until they left the Berkshires and then I saw Bethenny's holiday party.


I'd like to know the real truth between B and Carol because they both have such different versions of what happened about everything from Adam to the marathon.  I've never cared for Carol at all and I don't care for B but Carol was getting on my last nerve when she kept interrupting everything B said instead of letting her finish.   I did have to laugh at the hypocrisy of B telling Carol she's more into clothes, make-up, selfies, etc.  This coming from a woman who posted a photo of herself in her daughter's pajamas. 


LuAnn is just a messy, sloppy drunk and doesn't really have much class at all.  She inserted herself into the fight between Carol and B, bringing up the fact that Adam had been dating her niece, yet again. That had nothing to do with anything but LuAnn had to go there.  I think LuAnn started dating Tom and married him because she is one of those pathetic women who just can't be by herself.  She jumps from man to man. 


After the accusation by B about Carol being more into clothes and make-up, I had to laugh when they showed Carol walking into B's holiday party with sunglasses on.  Why?  B lives in an apartment building. So Carol walked into the building, rode up the elevator and into B's apartment, all the while wearing sunglasses.  She looked ridiculous.   And no matter how much Carol is into clothes, her choices are awful and most of her wardrobe is hideous.  Those gold pants were atrocious.              

Yep, Lu is still getting in her digs about Adam... and I'd have to agree that Carole's 'fashion' choices are almost always a big miss... None of these women dress particularly well a good part of the time, given their resources... I noted a few raised eyebrows when Carole said I guess not everyone got the memo about wearing something 'sparkly' to the party... 


I don't get the feeling others are trying to bond with Carole because they necessarily adore her, but more because they see a rift between her and Bethenny and want to take advantage of it...

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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip


B makes it a point to let everyone know she gives money to charities.The Envelope Lady. lol However, she didn't give to Carole's charity. It's as if she didn't want to even acknowledge Carole's accomplishment.


B insinuated that Carole's interests are selfies and clothes, while hers (B's) are running a business. And B made sure to point out to Carole that she (B) took on so much with the charity work and how there were so many people working for her or whatever -- and how they're on two different planets. eye roll. How condescending.


Both that guy and Dorinda claimed to have found the statue. Not that it really matters, but I wonder who really hunted it down...if that's what had really happened. And I wonder if B kept it. Can't imagine she would keep that in her apt--even in her daughter's room.


I like Tinsley's double heart ring and Sonja's pearl necklace.


I laughed what Lu had said about the brush cleaner. When Ramona offered to give her something else, I thought it was nice when Lu said she wanted to keep it.

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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

@Daisy Sunflower wrote:


B makes it a point to let everyone know she gives money to charities.The Envelope Lady. lol However, she didn't give to Carole's charity. It's as if she didn't want to even acknowledge Carole's accomplishment.


B insinuated that Carole's interests are selfies and clothes, while hers (B's) are running a business. And B made sure to point out to Carole that she (B) took on so much with the charity work and how there were so many people working for her or whatever -- and how they're on two different planets. eye roll. How condescending.


Both that guy and Dorinda claimed to have found the statue. Not that it really matters, but I wonder who really hunted it down...if that's what had really happened. And I wonder if B kept it. Can't imagine she would keep that in her apt--even in her daughter's room.


I like Tinsley's double heart ring and Sonja's pearl necklace.


I laughed what Lu had said about the brush cleaner. When Ramona offered to give her something else, I thought it was nice when Lu said she wanted to keep it.

And Dorinda's crack about the re-gifting was funny, mentioning she thought she'd given it to Ramona last year.

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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

@TenderMercies wrote:

LuAnn never really bothered me, but after tonight, I really do think she is a loser.  She's a terrible singer, but she thinks she's a talented singer.  She married Tom just because she didn't want to admit she was wrong about him.  She chased him to West Palm Beach, and she got arrested and assaulted a police officer.  She may have a nursing degree, but she hasn't had a job in years.  She really believes she is some kind of high society grand dame, but really, yeah, she's just a drunk, promiscuous loser.  I know this sounds harsh, but has she not done or is she not any of these things?



@TenderMercies  Her voice, in general, is terrible, worse when she tries to sing.  I wonder if it is smoking, but whaterver is it, I predict she has a medical issue down the line as I would think something is going on already, unbeknownst to her, but if it were my voice, I would be seeing a doctor.


She does seem to always be with a man, not alone for long, from one to the other, and many in between, it seems, but she's an adult, her business.

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Re: real housewives of new york...5/30/, spoilers, gossip

How about Sonja's cringeworthy have-to-turn-your-head story to the two construction guys about why her sink and towel rack are broken.