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I didn't know until recently that there will a remake of "The Stand" in 2020. It will be on CBS Access, which means one has to have a subscription to the site to watch it. That's out of the question for me; I'm not subscriibng to something just to see it once. 


 That's a disappointing move;the show should be on regular networks to appeal to a larger audience. I liked the orginal series, so would have been interested to check out the remake. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

Mark Twain
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Isn't Whoopie in that movie?  

I think her hair is styled for her part in the movie.

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Re: "The Stand" remake

[ Edited ]


The 1978 fan favorite has been greenlit as a 10 episode

event series for the streaming service CBS All Access.

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Why mess with perfection?  


Outstanding adaptation of Stephen King's masterpiece The Stand already exists.  The movie was faithful to the book, the actors were will be interesting to see the "improvements" to this stellar film.

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@countrylady wrote:

Isn't Whoopie in that movie?  

I think her hair is styled for her part in the movie.


@countrylady: Yes, Whoopi is in this movie and is the reason for the new hairstyle. 

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@teganslaw  After the season ends, you can watch CBS Access series on the FREE CBS station if you have cable On Demand. 

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Diva on Q:  Thank you for info.

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I appreciate the information on ways to to watch "The Stand."  I'll have to check into those. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

Mark Twain
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I concur @phoenixbrd .

The Stand is near the top of my favorite book of all time list and the original series was perfection. Cat Very Happy

