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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

"Feel Good" shows on Nat Geo Wild

Probably just new to me, but the various "Secrets of the Zoo" and the new "Babies of the Zoo", both usually showing on Sat. or Sun.


After too much news, we switched to those and I immediately calmed down.  Now I'm not usually a fan of keeping wild animals in zoos, but these shows seem to focus on endangered species being poached or otherwise driven out of their habitats.


I found it uplifting to see how the caretakers bond with these animals and the lengths they go to to watch over and protect them.  Better yet, it's wonderful to see the various animals respond and show affection for the zookeepers, even the Komodo Dragon, LOL.


Highly recommend if you like animals.


(And I'm KICKING myself for not having visited the Tampa Zoo during my years living here!)



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Re: "Feel Good" shows on Nat Geo Wild

Thank you @denisemb -

That is new to me too and I'll watch for it!

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Re: "Feel Good" shows on Nat Geo Wild

@denisemb wrote:

Probably just new to me, but the various "Secrets of the Zoo" and the new "Babies of the Zoo", both usually showing on Sat. or Sun.


After too much news, we switched to those and I immediately calmed down.  Now I'm not usually a fan of keeping wild animals in zoos, but these shows seem to focus on endangered species being poached or otherwise driven out of their habitats.


I found it uplifting to see how the caretakers bond with these animals and the lengths they go to to watch over and protect them.  Better yet, it's wonderful to see the various animals respond and show affection for the zookeepers, even the Komodo Dragon, LOL.


Highly recommend if you like animals.


(And I'm KICKING myself for not having visited the Tampa Zoo during my years living here!)



I discovered this channel a couple of months ago and have watched ever since. There are several great shows about veterenarians as well. There are also some great zoo shows on animal planet, including the Bronx Zoo, the San Diego Zoo, Australia Zoo, and a zoo in england. All these zoos trade animals back and forth for procreation purposes for those animals that are going extinct. Most of the animal shows are on on Saturday. You are right, they are a great escape from our current reality.Smiley Happy

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Re: "Feel Good" shows on Nat Geo Wild

I am ADDICTED to the "Zoo" programs!! I have many of them saved and I rewatch them when I'm stressed. My favorite zoo is the Bronx Zoo- I just love these series!

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Re: "Feel Good" shows on Nat Geo Wild

[ Edited ]

Sometime during Stay At Home, this channel just showed up on my DirecTV listing and I watched a few things on it. But, now I can no longer access it. 🙁

I do get Zoo shows on other channels and have the regular NatGeo. But, there are definitely shows that I would watch on Wild and am bummed to no longer have it (although not so much to pay extra for it!)

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Posts: 2,874
Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: "Feel Good" shows on Nat Geo Wild



Oh, I love a few of the vet shows, too!  There's always Dr. Pol (I miss Emily already!) and Heartland Docs, DVM is becoming a favorite.
