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@mollymaggie wrote:

Im not a fan of Hopes but today made me  so sad   I know it isnt real  but this happens every day  We never had children and I dont know anyone who lived through this nightmare  but I did alot of praying today and I hope I continue  to mention parents and  babies that fall into this catagory




I haven't watched B&B in a while .... but what happened?

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this is really going to far.In the first place the  other girls baby would show her death happening earlier, the baby would have to have a autoposy,,the girl would most likely have to sign death certificate, and make arrangements for burial, this is stupid, but again its a soap opera,and we are just dumb viewers.


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Re: bold and the beautiful

[ Edited ]

@tucka wrote:

this is really going to far.In the first place the  other girls baby would show her death happening earlier, the baby would have to have a autoposy,,the girl would most likely have to sign death certificate, and make arrangements for burial, this is stupid, but again its a soap opera,and we are just dumb viewers.


Remember this is just a soap. If you have a doctor doing illegal things for quick

cash, he is not going to worry about an autopsy, etc. They will refuse that. How

many people would want that? I'm sure the burial will be done in a flash.


Reese didn't have time for paperwork once they lost power. He has a way around

everything you know. 

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Several of you predicted this!  I remember reading exactly how I think it played out predicted here.


I say 'played out' because I refuse to watch it.  As soon as I saw the show where the Dr was on the phone saying he'd go to some resort, I knew what was ahead for this show.


My daughter (for real) had a baby, perfectly beautiful.  He only lived for 7 days.  She and her husband lived at Children's Hospital for those 7 days.  


It was predicted he was going to die.  There was a problem with him that was not found while she was pregnant.  To this day my daughter says it SHOULD have been found before he was born, but it wasn't.


Anyway, it was devestating to our family.  This is the second SOAP that has shown this in just a few months.


I,like many of you had quite a few miscarriages.  They are difficult.  They are not the same as carrying a baby full term, delivering the baby and having the baby die.


It's just stupid (that's the only word other than lazy) that these writers go to that scenario.  There are so many other story lines that could have been written.


Yet, like many of you said, it was totally predictable.  You guys saw it coming.


I thank you for the warning.  I was lucky to be able to avoid it.  I just deleted it when I saw it on my DVR.  I intend to delete it until I think many things have moven forward.


GH did the same thing, but I think it was handled much better (for the audience).


I guess gone are the days of 'who's doing who'.  Now we have where the writers have to show the entire birth scene.  I just think that's so trashy.  THAT'S what I find offensive.

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Re: bold and the beautiful

[ Edited ]

I cannot stand Hope.  I am so glad that Steph has her baby. I want Liam with Steph and Hope can go back to Paris or something.  Liam and Hope should not even be together.  UGHHHHHH

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@deepwaterdotter wrote:

@threecees wrote:

@sunsetblvd wrote:

There was a young girl leaving the clinic the same night Hope arrived.  I think she may have lost her baby and that is the baby Liam saw.  The dr. Stole Hope’s baby and plans to sell her to Steffy for $200,000 or probably more.  



Yes, what I imagine as well. Would have to have other girl lost a daughter too.


I am sure there will be flashbacks, lots of flashbacks on how Reese did this

when it all unravels.


Guess Steffy's new daughter at some point will get sick in months to come

and all will be revealed.

She will need donated blood, and the only viable match will be discovered to be Hope.





or LIAM!


i wonder how long this is going to be dragged out?


i dont like liam with stephanie at all. i think hope is a much better fit for him. stephanie needs someone stronger than liam. actually , stephanie is great with bill.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein