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@luvmyteddy4 wrote:

I have watched every episode but I'm not sure I like the show. I am becoming less interested with each show.

I feel kinda the same really grabs you in the beginning..................BUT ....the selfishness of the Judge

to letting so many other people suffer to save his son has gotten a bit much, hard to believe the younger lawyer falls for him...(sorry. just my opinion)........and just things getting a little more 'unbelieveable" ....but still sticking with it sofar

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We have watched3 episodes.  Also watching A Million Little Things.  I find Your Honour kind of depressing to be honest.  Not a thing goes right....anyone else?  I stopped watching it.

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The first show was free on Dish but then I had to sign up to see the rest.  I did not realize that and was so disappointed because I loved the first show.

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Can you even begin to imagine how this is all going to end up?...What a mess! 

~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Your Honor on Showtime

[ Edited ]

Just finished watching the first six episodes of this drama starring Bryan Cranston and looking forward to tonight's broadcast of the seventh episode.


For me, it's a little disturbing about the whole New Orleans law enforcement community, not to mention  ethics of the judge himself, but so far it has roped me in to watching more of it.


Scenery and the home styles in New Orleans have been interesting to me.  DH and I were in New Orleans for a few days to attend the Sugar Bowl college football game one year.  We were shown around by a native and ate in some fabulous restaurants and saw Bourbon Street up close and live.


New Orleans has been through a lot of upheaval since we visited, and I suppose some of the  not-real-pretty lower-income areas shown in the series are a result of hurricane and floods.

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I thought a couple of the episodes were pretty boring right up until the end of each. So I think it was setting up the ending. I always like Bryan Cranston, the kid not so much. But I’m interested to see how it all comes together.
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I think it is just OK.   I find many scenes strung out so long and it is dark.  Not just the story but just rooms are dark, courthouse is dark, jail is dark.  Turn some lights on!!!!


Some of the story lines are unbelievable.  Many scenes are confusing.  I don't like the actor who plays Mr. Baxter.  And I don't think it's a good role for Hope Davis.


Having said all of that, I tune in weekly to watch it.  I just want to see how it ends.  I will say, the acting is good.

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The story line does seem unbelievable and I'm pretty sure that a mob boss in real life would know pretty quickly that it was the son who committed the crime and not his father a popular judge and that he would swiftly retaliate by hurting the son...or worse.  But, then the series would be over by now. 

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The comments here are interesting.  I too hate things where background is so dark you cannot see anything.  That is nothing less than annoying.


I have dvr'd all episodes but have not watched any yet.


Thanks for all of the input here.

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Showtime here is free on this series till march.  I am on epi. 5. mine only shows 7 epi.