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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

@Love to Run wrote:

1959 Imitation of Life.

@Love to Run - That's a good one! A lot of great acting in it.  

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

I agree with so many of these but too many favorites to say just one.


Though one that I've watched in almost every version possible both musical and non is  A Christmas Carol-Mr. Magoo and George C Scott some of favorites.


And everytime I think I can't watch Sound of Music one more time, once it starts I'm entralled and singing all over again.

I recently watched it with 2 of my grandkids and at first my grandson said he didn't want to watch it but sure enough we were singing and dancing along with the cast lol!

Especially with Do Rae Me.Heart

Julie Andrews- Mary Poppins and everything she's in!


And like so many, Godfather always tops the list.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

I love classic top favorites would be Fiddler on the Roof. South Pacific, and My Fair Lady. 

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

Casablanca, The African Queen, most Hitchcock films


Musicals--Cabaret, The Music Man, Singin' in the Rain, Easter Parade

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

There is just too many .... !!!

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

The Sound of Music is my all time favorite movie and musical. 

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

Kitty Foyle ... The Letter ... The Women ....

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

@beach-mom   That's really a good one...was one of my mom's favorites


@SandySparkles   While I didn't have an interest in old movies until a few years ago, the ones that come to mind are Suddenly Last Summer with Liz Taylor and Tony was very very good.


Also, A Kiss Before Dying and I do not remember the actors.  Enjoy

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊

@Pezzie wrote:

Movies - Casablanca, Godfather I and II, Gladiator.

Musicals - West Side Story

I love Casablanca, too. I actually like all of Humphrey Bogart's movies. Another favorite is The Maltese Falcon. I enjoy films from the "classic period", especially film noir. 

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Re: Your FAVORITE Classic Movies Including Musicals😊


@Love to Run wrote:

1959 Imitation of Life.


@Love to Run  was that the movie with a blonde lady who had a child and then  started a relationship with a man?


I saw repeats on TV.  Excellent movie, good pic!