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Re: Young and Restless...2023

😂😂😂 He tunneled under the house and demolished a wall and floors and no one heard this? What are the writers smoking and why are they not sharing? Don't most houses have concrete foundations or do they not use that in Wisconsin? Is this a log cabin? 


@AuntG I preferred Ashland number one and I thought the same. Ashland could have been a great addition. I hate to say it but Jack and Victor are not youngsters and a new guard should be in place by now. Not to mention his back story was rife with possibilities and new characters.


Is Elena about to become a serial killer? She's seriously becoming unhinged. She and Cameron need a date night.


And since when do hospital patients bypass the check in desk and go straight to an exam room? Anyone surprised Sally had an issue? Even Stevie Wonder is shaking his head nope. 

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@Laura14 .... O.M.G.  I haven't even watched today's episode yet and can't believe how warped things are in the Y&R script room!


Is this for real??? Cat Frustrated

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@kindred cats Not even Josh Morrow could deliver the lines with a straight face. You'll need a shrink at the end for the last fifteen minutes of multiple WTH moments. 

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Didn't Faith have some sort of organ transplant?  She gets kidnapped & there's no mention of her having the daily anti-rejection meds she needs to take with her.  Same thing with Victor's heart transplant, there's never mention of meds or the biopsies that are a necessary way of life after an organ transplant.

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Today's scenes with Cameron and Sharon were ridiculous.  So much for Victor's securty team - Sharon is screaming help with the door open and no one comes running in!  Why didn't Sharon use the knife strapped to her leg?  I was waiting for her to whip it out.

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@Laura14   How right you are!!! Cat LOL



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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Wondering if we are going to go down the road again that Abby and Stitch (her doc husband) did years back where his son arranged it for Abby to fall down the stairs at the club and loose the baby........???  Conner being the 

culprit???  Sally being the victim??  Chelsea and Billy seem to have NO chemistry unless it is "misery" to bond over...ugh.

What cracked me up today was when Cameron knocked Nick out on the floor and he ran out the front door...then Sharon went and shook awake Nic and told him Cameron escaped and he just jumped up and said he was gonna catch him and he RAN UP THE STAIRS....

I am like.....he was just supposed to be knocked out and any other person would have gone to the front door not upstairs....OMG  The front door was wide open

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

I would suggest we all do a drinking game at the stupid nonsense moments, but we'd all have multiple felony DUIs. 

Did anyone else check their closets and walls before bedtime last night? 🤣


Here comes Friday! Gird your loins, people! 

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Funny comments here.  Much better plots and lines than the writers!

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Sally isn't even showing yet! What are they saving? 

Note to Faith: Being a Hostage 101, do NOT tick off your captor especially when he isn't playing with a full deck and he's already offed your cat. Do kids today not watch or listen to true crime?