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Registered: ‎04-04-2020

Happy New Year to everyone, especially to our loyal viewers no matter how crazy the show gets. Cat LOL


Let's continue to have fun sharing our thoughts about all the actors and stories they throw at us.


So let it begin again! Cat Very Happy

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Posts: 5,324
Registered: ‎04-10-2012

Its amazing how no one at Society is creeped out by the

little man in a black hat and overcoat who keeps hanging

around the restaurant and how Claire can't recognize 

Jordan with just a hat/wig and sunglasses on.........except for her eyes behind the glasses...the rest of her face is exsposed....?really?

And Mariah during her marriage never showed her wife

what Ian looked like?  I am sure he was big news and

in many newspapers at the time of this storyline....

gets hard to swollow these situations.....

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Registered: ‎04-10-2012

Thanks for posting a new webpage......Happy New Year to all.

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Posts: 1,149
Registered: ‎02-02-2021

Thanks kindred cats you beat me to 2025..LOL


So we will start the new year off with abductions..half the characters could be abducted and no one would care..

Maybe Ian will start a new cult!


Hope 2025 brings new writers and the end of these dumb storylines.


Happy New Year everyone!

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Posts: 4,633
Registered: ‎04-04-2020

@Jo1313 wrote:

Thanks kindred cats you beat me to 2025..LOL


So we will start the new year off with abductions..half the characters could be abducted and no one would care..

Maybe Ian will start a new cult!


Hope 2025 brings new writers and the end of these dumb storylines.


Happy New Year everyone!



I would have gladly let you begin our 2025 thread.


How about next year? Cat Very Happy


Plus, I agree with your remarks!  Have a lovely day. Cat Very Happy

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 109
Registered: ‎06-17-2015

Thanks @kindred cats for starting our 2025 Y & R.


I'm one of our fellow viewers who are hanging in there with Y & R Woman Happy


Happy New Year to everyone. 

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,149
Registered: ‎02-02-2021

Could they have used a little more rope on Sharon ?...They could have tied up an oceanliner!

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Posts: 20,493
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Could the countdown to 2025 between Kyle and Claire have been more boring? 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I am trying to hang in there but Ian looks so out of place and stands out so obvious with his so call disguise.  Let this nonsense be over soon.

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Posts: 2,731
Registered: ‎06-13-2011

@AuntG wrote:

Could the countdown to 2025 between Kyle and Claire have been more boring? 


Maybe the make-up artists should have covered up Claire's tattoos.  This poor little soul who was trapped by crazy Aunt Jordan found time to have two tattoos done, but she never had a single date.  She was able to go to college and get her degree, but we were to believe that she was so brainwashed that she was willing to kill. 


I cannot stand the character of Claire.  I honestly don't even care for the actress who portrays her.  


Yes, I agree that watching the scenes between Kyle and Claire was boring.  The mindless conversation between them was so sugary sweet that I think my glucose level raised.