2:30 p.m. Eastern-- "The Double Man" Yul Brynner, Britt Ekland.
Interesting, late Sixties' take on the James Bond phenomenon, directed by Franklin J. Schaffner ("Patton", "Planet of the Apes") There are the glamorous European alps, murder, mysterious unseen forces, an enigmatic "man of mystery". Yul Brynner is a CIA agent abruptly summoned to a swank Austrian resort over the tragic skiing accident of his son.
Brynner appears utterly cold and unreachable in his pent up grief, but all his espionage experience is screaming to him that he is involved in much more than the aftermath of a fatal "accident". As he is being helped by (shades of Bond, again) gorgeous Britt Ekland, he gradually comes to learn of a plot to duplicate his persona and therefore penetrate the highest levels of U.S. espionage.
(Viewing suggestion-- if DVR'd, this would make a nice pairing with another upcoming thriller on TCM, "The Eyes of Laura Mars". See following alert!)