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@stevieb wrote:

@loveschocolate wrote:

Actor Jonathan Stoddard has been called upon once again to appear in Young and Restless flashback scenes as a young John Abbott, a role he first played in 2017. Presumably, we’ll see him as part of the recent Abbott storyline involving Dina’s past. Watch for Stoddard, who last appeared in September 2019, to be seen on Thursday August 20, along with Cathy Marks as young Dina Mergeron, according to Soap Opera Digest.

Uh uh... Not at all interested in these trumped up back story scenes as we again enter Dina's never heard of before and never ending memory mine... 

I am so with you stevieb ............I can't believe they are going down the  Dina ANOTHER MYSTERY TO SOLVE

storyline..........first it was Jacks birthright, then it was the Theo storyline....then the whole Abbot Book the mystery word Dina they not have ANY interesting stories to have the Abbots (Jack, Ashley, or Traci)  to get involved in???  And as much as i like the Jill character most of the time....i REALLY don't want to see her and Jack hook up.....eecchhh..................


Victor has been the whole show these days..........when he finally goes it will be a sad day...........guess we are gonna go down the Sharon/Adam connection again.....Rey and Chelsea getting jealous, etc......huummmm

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Summary for Wednesday, August 19th from

At Sharon’s place, Chelsea tells her she won’t be helping Adam. Sharon questions Adam not telling her himself. Chelsea warns her not to read into that – it was a mutual decision and she should respect it. Sharon argues for him to work through it. Chelsea says she knows Adam best and he needs to leave the past in the past or it will destroy him. Sharon wonders what if the memories return and he’s unprepared? Chelsea snaps that he can’t handle more pressure.


Adam reluctantly lets Victor into the penthouse. They go over Adam blocking out killing AJ and Victor thinks it’s best to move on. Adam thinks that’s impossible since Nick and Victoria know now. Victor will take care of them. He gets a call from Nikki about a press conference being set up at Newman and asks her to ensure Victoria doesn’t expose Adam. Adam calls Chelsea and warns her Victoria may be planning to publicly accuse him of killing AJ.


Victoria visits Billy at Chancellor Media about the story she mentioned previously, which has evolved. After she fills him in, Billy muses that it’s a big risk. Victoria replies that it would mean he’d win…she’s confident he’ll say yes. Later, Amanda has heard about Victoria’s plan. Billy confirms it will bring a Newman war. He feels they should get in on this but needs his lawyer’s advice.

In Phyllis’ suite, Nick surprises her with breakfast in bed and they banter. He takes a call and can’t make a comment. After disconnecting, Nick relays Victoria’s having a press conference. Phyllis invites him to stay, but he has to go to Newman and find out what’s going on.


At the Abbott mansion, Traci’s keen to find the old home movies of the family to give Dina back her past. Jack can’t think of anywhere else to look. Traci brings up Theo and Jack assures her he hasn’t cut him out. Talk turns to Victoria making a move to solidify her position at Newman, then Jack gets a call from her advising everything’s on track. Later, Abby joins Traci and recalls seeing boxes of family mementos at Dina’s in Paris. Traci calls for the boxes to be sent.

Nikki enters Victoria’s office, questions the press conference, and warns her not to reveal the family’s personal business. Victoria wishes she had faith in her. Nikki hollers she cannot go out there and blow everything up. Victoria made the best decision for the family and company and won’t change her mind.


At Grand Phoenix, Nikki informs Nick she has no idea what his sister’s up to, but she wouldn’t rule out an announcement about Adam’s past. Nick had doubts she’d give up that leverage. They decide to watch online.

At Sharon’s place, Chelsea frets as Sharon puts on the livestream of Victoria’s presser.

Victoria’s press conference begins as Genoa City residents watch all over town. She announces she’s officially back running Newman Enterprises permanently. She’ll capitalize on growth potential and notes her father taught her leadership is about accountability.


In the penthouse, Adam tells Victor, “She’s going to do it.”


At the presser, Victoria acknowledges Jack Abbott and Billy Abbott, off to her side. She mentions their companies before saying she’ll streamline Newman Enterprises’ operations. Jabot will purchase Newman cosmetics, with Chancellor Media taking the media division.


More: Watch Victoria hold a press conference


At home, Adam tells Victor that Victoria’s calling the shots and there’s nothing they can do. Victor smirks, “We’ll see about that.”


At Sharon’s, Chelsea’s relieved Victoria didn’t mention Adam and is stunned when Sharon references her incision and reveals she had breast cancer surgery. Chelsea’s apologetic. Sharon feels it should indicate how important she believe it is for Adam to have support.


In Victoria’s office, Victor asks what she thinks she’s doing selling off parts of his company and assumes it’s payback for her to sell to Billy Boy Abbott and Jack. Victoria advises him to help Adam with his deep-seated problems. Victor warns she’s playing with fire. Nikki interrupts their raised voices. Vikki goes to see a reporter and Nikki’s relieved she didn’t expose Adam. Victor says he doesn’t remember – hopefully he keeps it that way.

Nick rejoins Phyllis in her suite. She questions Victoria getting back the chair and wonders what she knows to have gotten away with what she just did. Nick thinks she’s learned you have to demand their father’s respect.

At the penthouse, Adam tells Chelsea that he watched the presser with Victor, who seems protective. Chelsea reveals she saw Sharon, and she’s changed her mind. If he can be brave enough to face it, she can too.


Next on The Young and the Restless Traci and Jack want answers, and a Newman family member must choose sides.

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@catwhisperer wrote:

I just noticed today that Adam, Kyle, and Theo are all sporting facial hair. Has the clean shaven look become a thing of the past?Cat Surprised

@catwhisperer  It appears at least in Soapland that funky and nasty is the new nice...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Summary for Thursday, August 20th from

At Sharon’s place, she tells Rey that Adam will be by soon. He thinks she’ll be successful and assures her he’s okay with this, but worries it will be more taxing than she thinks. Sharon promises to protect herself – she knows her limitations.


At the penthouse, Chelsea notes it’s a big day and Adam admits he’s anxious, but ready. He’s glad she changed her mind about him working with Sharon. He hopes to get answers today. Chelsea warns him it could take time and they agree to take it one day at a time.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack marvels at how quickly Dina’s boxes arrived from Paris. Traci’s going through them as Jack says he’s dying to find out why some home movie means so much to their mother. Talk turns to Jabot purchasing Newman Cosmetics. Jack thinks Ashley’s as thrilled as he is, and Traci suggests a celebration later. She agrees not to get her hopes up about Dina and the movie, but later, alone, Traci’s excited to find the film reel.


At the ranch, Victor complains to Nikki about Victoria selling off the cosmetics and media divisions. Nikki reminds him she got more than market value and questions why he’s against her vision. Victor thinks it’s payback and storms out to go riding. Nikki takes a call from Vikki, who wants her at the office.


In the park, Abby and Chance discuss Victoria’s big announcement. Abby doesn’t want to get caught in the middle of whatever’s brewing between her sister, father and Adam. Chance is still concerned about his friend and doesn’t buy her viewpoint that he changed after Vegas. Abby argues that chaos follows Adam wherever he goes, however she understands Chance wanting to reach out to a friend and respects that. She’d be crazy to let Adam come between them.

More: Melissa Ordway’s family’s move and her Y&R role


Adam arrives at Sharon’s place and asks how she’s feeling before they proceed. She wants to being by talking and asks for details about the farm in springtime and a typical day in his childhood. He talks about walking the road to the bus stop alone, school, and his routine. Sharon wonders if there was a break in the routine around the time of AJ’s death. Adam’s fuzzy but recalls being sad for Alyssa. Sharon asks about Hope not attending AJ’s funeral. He remembers everything seemed normal and grows frustrated. Sharon cautions he’ll have to be patient. Adam realizes she’s tired and thanks her before leaving.

Nikki enters Victoria’s office. Her daughter assures her real estate is safe from the axe before asking her mother to be her right-hand and COO. Nikki balks and brings up Victor. Victoria sniffs that he has nothing to do with this. Nikki confronts her about shutting him out and trying to provoke him. Victoria swears she’s only offering her the position because she’d be great at it. Nikki listens as Vikki talks up having two strong Newman women running the company. “Are you in or out?”


More: Gallery! Victoria Newman’s next love interest


Chance visits the penthouse to check on Adam. Chelsea’s surprised to hear he’s concerned about him and changes the subject to Abby, causing Chance to deduce it’s worse than he thought. He recalls keeping Adam’s identity a secret and him saving his life and relays if Adam needs a friend he can rely on, he can be that friend. Later, Adam arrives and reports that nothing happened in his session. Chelsea figures it’s a sign he shouldn’t be in therapy. Adam won’t stop until he gets the whole ****** ugly truth.


At Society, Abby spots Jack and they discuss Victoria’s statement-making move before he gets a text from Traci and invites Abby to come to the house with him.


Abby and Jack join Traci at home, where she has the film ready to roll. Jack hopes to preview it and find out why it’s so important to Dina. The home movie is a young Dina holding a newborn Jack with John narrating. Jack is emotionally moved. Later, after showing Dina the movie, Jack thinks she wanted them to see it and hear John say that love and family are all that really matters.


More: Jordi Vilasuso’s wife suffers a tragic miscarriage


At the ranch, Nikki finds Victor stewing over the betrayal. She reveals she met with Victoria at Newman and accepted her offer to be COO. Victor congratulates her – he considers it good news; with her working there he’ll know what’s going on. Nikki won’t be his eyes and ears or takes sides. Victor warns the time will come when she’ll have to take sides.


Next on The Young and the Restless Lola lets down her guard, with Theo, and Abby seeks intel.


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For pity sake, all Adam has to do is find a hypnotherapist and bingo, he gets his memory back. All this qwap with Sharon, who's old enough to be his mother, is just a way to trump up drama that's been done before. Been there, done that. Not interested.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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@stevieb wrote:

@catwhisperer wrote:

I just noticed today that Adam, Kyle, and Theo are all sporting facial hair. Has the clean shaven look become a thing of the past?Cat Surprised

@catwhisperer  It appears at least in Soapland that funky and nasty is the new nice...

@stevieb ....yuck!

I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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I gave it a good try but Y&R has finally lost me after all these years. Can't watch it and see what a second rate show it has become. They made me realize just how good it USE to be by running all the old shows and I can't handle watching what it is now.A sad, pathetic shadow of it's former self. I feel sorry for the actors having to mouth all this complete drivel. Poor Eric.

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Summary for Friday, August 21st from

At Grand Phoenix, Abby overhears Phyllis talking about something important on the phone. She writes something down and Abby rushes over to read it. ‘Stop snooping Abby’ is on the notepad. They clash as the blonde assumes Phyllis has dug herself a financial hole. Phyllis can’t deal with Abby’s smugness and says she can find out when everyone else does. Later, Phyllis finds Abby again and baits that she’s more motivated to win as Abby lacks drive because of her money. Abby calls her obnoxious and reminds her she left the family business because the Newmans didn’t take her seriously and she’s crushed it on her own. She invites Phyllis to continue underestimating her – it feeds her fire.


More: Y&R casts B&B alum Courtney Hope


At Crimson Lights, Kyle tries to rush away from Nick, who orders him to sit down. Kyle sweats until Nick laughs about nailing him with the ‘angry dad’ thing, though they do need to talk. Kyle has time now and reveals he and Summer have decided on an open relationship – they stay committed to each other but can pursue other connections. Nick fumes and is about to put him through the wall. Kyle grins, “Gotcha’!” After, he assures Nick he’ll protect Summer and never wants to hurt someone like he did Lola again. Kyle had feelings for Summer throughout his marriage and knows they belong together. He thinks they’ve waited their whole lives for the right time to be together and this is it. Nick asks if it’s truly over with Lola. There’s only one woman in Kyle’s heart – Summer.

More: Gallery! Which of these men should Victoria choose?


At Society, Lola can’t get Theo’s attention as he’s distracted and waiting to hear from Chancellor Media. He enthuses about the job – the best part would be knowing he did it on his own; Theo wants to do something meaningful with his life. Talk turns to Lola’s career – she realized she wants to make a name and a life for herself in Genoa City. When Theo hints he’d leave town if he doesn’t get the job, Lola’s put out. Theo feels like a jerk and asks, “Forgive me?” Lola doesn’t have to and is positive he’ll get the job. Theo soaks up someone having faith in him.


More: Y&R star moves family to Nashville


At Chancellor Media, Amanda updates Billy that Lily texted that she’s all in on hiring Theo. Billy wants to hold off on writing up the contract – Theo reminds him of himself. Amanda doesn’t see it as a bad thing and pushes to hire Theo. They go back and forth, and she chides, “I thought you were a risk-taker.” Billy asks about Ripley’s upcoming trial. She hopes he never sees the light of day again and still feels bad about Victoria being stabbed. Billy feels responsible for what happened that night. They discuss their friendship, which Amanda enjoyed. She gets a text from Nate replies. After, Billy thanks Amanda for the talk – he knows what to do about Theo.

Kyle spots Theo at Society and hopes his Chancellor job works out. He’d put in a good word with Billy, but suspects he wants to do this on his own. Kyle walks off and Theo’s phone rings – it’s Billy. At the bar, Kyle tells Lola the divorce will be finalized soon. He wishes her luck – even with Theo. Lola won’t let anyone hurt her like Kyle did ever again. After Kyle leaves, Lola approaches Theo, who marvels, “I got it. I’m in!” They realize he’s going to be busy but agree to go on a date.


At Chancellor Media, Billy thanks Amanda again and tells her she’s in charge – Lily’s in meetings and he’s off to spend the night with the kids.

Nick arrives at Grand Phoenix as Abby storms off, and Phyllis has an assignment for him.


Next on The Young and the Restless a crisis brings Victoria and Billy together.