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@stevieb wrote:

@nanny24  Good suggestion. Most have either not seen the earlier incarnation of the show or have forgotten it. Regardless, it would be far better than what they've been offering now for so long. Before it went on hiatus, I was taping and then deleting, mostly without watching, because I just no longer find it interesting nor do I care for most of the characters. In the few days it's been back, I understand why I did so and am sort of on the fence about giving up on it altogether. There's really no reason to set the DVR only to delete the shows.

Def Agree! i have said to you before.....not sure what i will do.......will give it more time....but the funny thing is i DVR'd Tues,Wed, and today's show and haven't even watched them yet.............then got a quick glance on this forum of things to come and it seems to be just the same old same old.....Adams goes to Sharon for help,  Jack hears Dina say Bilkey or something like that  which means ANOTHER 'mystery" look into Dina's past....i was like oh my gosh...the same stuff...........and seeing Billy being completely obnoxious on Monday....i will catch up with the shows this weekend and see how it goes...........................hate to keep complaining....but the problem is i keep "hoping" it gets good!

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[ Edited ]

As always @loveschocolatethanks for your updates, but I simply can't help making some tongue in cheek comments, inserted in your summary, below, in red... Needless to say, I'm almost wishing they'd have just cancelled this show, making it easier to obtain that clean break that seems so deserved...


Woman Frustrated


@loveschocolate wrote:

Adam Learns Heartbreaking News When He Squares Off With [Spoiler]


Nick arrives at the ranch to question Nikki about Victoria being back in charge at Newman Enterprises. Victor appears and they bring Nick into the loop on Adam killing AJ Montalvo as a boy. Nick’s irked that Adam tried to pin a murder on Victor that he committed.


Oh get over yourself, Nick, you're ALWAYS irked about something... Someone please, give that man a laxative... and a shower...


At the penthouse, Chelsea hopes Adam will come home soon. She calls Nikki and arranges to take Connor over there as Victor’s the only one who can give him what he needs right now.


Uh uh... what he needs is a swift kick in the arse...


At the ranch, Nikki disconnects from Chelsea as Nick and Victor continue the discussion about Adam blocking out killing a man. Nick’s still upset about what Adam did to Victor and Victoria recently. Victor argues they can’t continue the cycle of revenge. Nick hopes Adam’s out of their lives, but Victor’s silence says otherwise. Nick leaves. Nikki suggests her husband focus on Victoria, who was collateral damage. Victor’s unhappy about his daughter’s lack of compassion for Adam. Chelsea arrives and updates Victor that Adam got the truth from George and took off. Victor figures he’s trying to process it, and vows the family will help him. Chelsea sees Vic loves him. The Mustache ruminates that you never give up on your son.


In Sharon’s living room, Adam informs her that everything he thought about his childhood isn’t true. “You know me better than anyone else. I need you.” Sharon can’t deal with another Newman power struggle. Adam blurts, “I killed someone Sharon.” He briefs her and wants her help dealing with this. Sharon’s unsure, but Adam protests that she understands him. Nick enters and tries to kick Adam out. Sharon steps away for a call and Adam tells Nick he’s overreacting. Nick doesn’t want him dumping his screwed-up childhood on a woman who just had surgery. Adam’s stunned to hear she has cancer and asks if she’ll be alright. They argue as Adam wants to stay and Nick warns he’ll be made to keep his distance. When Sharon returns, Adam’s gone. Nick tells her what happened to Adam as a boy. Sharon frets that he needs support. Nick wonders if the dark place in Adam started there. Sharon insists Adam came as a broken man, not a monster. Nick argues against her helping Adam and letting him drain her energy.


Someone please, give Nick a DOUBLE dose of that laxative... Because he's REALLY full of it...


At Crimson Lights, Tessa surprises Mariah with a fancy table with flowers and a cupcake. She needs to relax. Mariah doesn’t know how she’d have gotten through any of this without Tessa. Suddenly, Mariah’s phone dings and she asks Tessa, “How could you do this?” She confronts Tessa about turning down a music festival appearance that could make or break her because she’s stuck there with her. Tessa says losing Mariah would break her – she wants to be there for Mariah and Sharon and likes feeling a part of a family. Mariah assures her she’ll still be an epic star. Tessa replies, “As long as I’m your star.”


Oh Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake... JUST GAG ME...



In the Abbott living room, Jack fills Ashley in on Dina becoming upset and saying, Jack’s determined to find out what, or who, Bixley is and Ashley signs on to help him. Jack is about to get Dina’s memoirs when Ash finds a notepad with Bixley scrawled on it. Later, they’re still puzzled. Ash worries Bixley may be another long-lost sibling. Jack refuses to believe it. Traci arrives, gets in the loop, and wonders how they made the leap to a sibling. She realizes the ‘l’ is a lower case ‘b’. Dina was saying, “Bixby,” and Traci knows exactly what she’s talking about. It turns out the ‘bixby’ is the Bixomatic camera that recorded their childhood. Traci feels she may want to see their old movies.

All right, so how many old secrets of Dina's are we going to have to endure them deciphering, because this redundancy is getting ridiculous... What's the matter? Writer's block...


At the clinic, Elena teases Nate as they take calls. After seeing patients they continue to banter; it’s his turn to clean up the examination room.

Oh yea, the switcheroo is on... Amanda with Nate and Devon with Amanda and you know what, who cares...


In Society, Devon and Amanda discuss the work she’s doing for him, then swerve to how far they’ve come from living in foster homes. They go over their paths to success. Devon credits Neil with setting him straight and being a good example. Amanda feels Devon is making a huge difference to people. Devon’s not slowing down. Despite never meeting him, Amanda feels Neil would have been proud of his son.


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...


At home, Chelsea updates Adam on her trip to the ranch. She wants to leave the past where it belongs. Adam argues he has to deal with it. He worries it’s even worse than Victor and George claimed…he has to remember. Chelsea pleads for him to leave it alone. When Chelsea’s in the kitchen, Adam gets a text from Sharon, who asks how she can help.


Watch out Chelsea... Share-and-Share-Alike is gonna recover pronto... Watch and see...


Next on The Young and the Restless Sharon sets boundaries, and Abby gives someone a reality check.


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@catwhisperer wrote:

I stopped following this thread months ago, and did not realize they started airing new shows this week. I did watch the show today. I like Adam's new hair style. Much better than the slicked back version. Other than that, the same old, same old.

I agree. Adam with the rumpled look was pretty cute...

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Maybe it’s been mentioned but Niki’s hairdo today is obviously a wig; and not a very good one.


Otherwise, I think she looks great....just ditch the wig.

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I thought that looked like a wig. I kept looking at her hair. Something just didn't look right.

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Actor Jonathan Stoddard has been called upon once again to appear in Young and Restless flashback scenes as a young John Abbott, a role he first played in 2017. Presumably, we’ll see him as part of the recent Abbott storyline involving Dina’s past. Watch for Stoddard, who last appeared in September 2019, to be seen on Thursday August 20, along with Cathy Marks as young Dina Mergeron, according to Soap Opera Digest.

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Young and Restless spoilers for Monday August 17:


In Monday’s Y&R recap, Adam and Sharon finally talk, Jack is impressed with Victoria’s plan, and Chelsea issues a warning.


Victor and Chelsea work to come up with a plan to help Adam.


Chance gets a reality check from Abby.


Sharon puts boundaries in place.


Young and Restless spoilers for Tuesday August 18:


Nick inspires a new venture for Phyllis at the Grand Phoenix.


Rey becomes suspicious of Adam’s motives.


Kyle and Theo reach a truce.


Young and Restless spoilers for Wednesday August 19:


Victoria declares significant changes for Newman Enterprises.


Chelsea wants answers from Sharon.


Billy urges Amanda to take a risk.


Young and Restless spoilers for Thursday August 20:


Jack and Traci seek answers.


Nikki gets an intriguing offer.


Victor insists a family member choose sides.


Young and Restless spoilers for Friday August 21:


Abby wants details on Phyllis’ new venture.


Theo gets Lola to let down her guard.


Kyle is put on notice by Nick.




Also coming up on Young and Restless:



Adam asks Sharon if she will agree to be his therapist in light of the revelations about his past. She’s game but wants Chelsea’s approval. Adam approaches Chelsea with the idea, which puts the ball in her court.


Victoria contacts Jack concerning a possible alliance with the Abbotts and keeps her family guessing as to whether she will reveal the secret from Adam’s past publicly. Victoria calls a press conference and invites Jack, Billy, and Lily to join her as she makes her remarks.


Chelsea is upset to learn that Adam went to Sharon before discussing it with her, and that Sharon was the one who pushed him to talk to her about the idea of them working together to unblock Adam’s childhood memories.

Adam says, “I need help, Chelsea.” She snarks, “The type of help only Sharon can give you.”


Jack says into the phone, “What’s new?” Victoria on the other end, replies, “I just want you to know everything’s still on track.” Jack says, “Well, you can count on me.”


Amanda says to Billy, “Good Lord, if Victoria follows through…” Billy replies, “We’d be in a war. Newman on Newman. Never a safe place to be.”




Young and Restless spoilers for the week of August 24:



Victor goes above and beyond to help Adam.


Phyllis has cause to celebrate.


Amanda and Devon have a conversation about Hilary.


Sharon squares off with Chelsea.




More Young and Restless spoilers from SOD:



Surprising secrets revealed will lead to unexpected actions and consequences for Amanda, Devon, Elena, and Nate.


An upcoming storyline will put Kyle’s love to the test, push Summer back to her former bad behavior, reveal a new side to Theo, and give Lola a new outlook on life and love.


New clues about Dina and John’s past will have Traci and Jack searching for a long-lost memento emblematic of the love they shared, which will bring Dina peace and joy. Ashley will also play a role in the quest.


Sharon maintains her strength even as she faces a major setback.


Adam’s struggle with the past will cause fallout for him, Victor, and Chelsea.

The hatred between Adam and Billy will reignite and the ensuing battle will affect them both as well as Victoria.

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@catwhisperer wrote:

I thought that looked like a wig. I kept looking at her hair. Something just didn't look right.

I think it may be that the actors are required to do their own hair and makeup, due to social distancing reqs, and she either can't do her's the way she likes it or she just doesn't want to bother. Having said that, I don't particularly like wig style she's chosen either.