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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

yeah your right Ms. Loveschoc.  You have to let them fall down and get back up.  Wonder if Summer still has the peanut allergy? Luca will give her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. LOL


I bet they will let the actor 'summer' go after they wrap up the wedding or non wedding and Victor gets rid of Luca once and for all.


Now, we got that Bethanny coming into Victor's office . I'm with Victor

who are you and what do I have to do with you? Got me going 



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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

Summary for Wednesday, August 17th from


At the GCPD, Kevin is shocked to see the surveillance footage of Bethany getting the cash at the bus station. Paul is less impressed and reminds him that Adam already plead guilty. Kevin thinks this could prove Chloe is innocent. He says ignoring it would be negligent. Paul offers to send someone to gather evidence.


Chloe sits by the Delia memorial on the side of the road and cries about failing her. She says she did what she did to make Adam pay. Sobbing, she says she needs to find a way to live with what she's done.


Bethany brings her bag of cash to Victor at the Newman office. She assumes he sent her the money. He plays dumb but suggests she not look a gift horse in the mouth. Before she can storm out, he says that her disappearance will get his son out of prison. She guesses he wants her to take a murder rap. He promises she won't go to prison if she does what she's told and orders her out of town. Victor doesn't think she can afford to turn down the offer. She wants 3 million. The mustache smirks and agrees. Once they load her up, he tells her to buy a plane ticket and fly. When she leaves, he places a call, telling someone she's on her way. Chloe shows up and asks if the woman she just passed is the new patsy. She paces and talks about how much Delia would have liked to be a big sister. She's going to focus on Bella and wants his assurance that she can move on. He explains that she and Adam will be cleared.


Jack runs into Phyllis at the club. She claims to be swamped and needs to get back to work. He accuses her of lying and confronts her about working with Victor to stop Summer's wedding. She won't let her daughter rush into disaster. They bicker and she complains about having to endure his lectures. She hates being treated like a wayward child and stomps off.


Billy is at Brash & Sassy, asking Victoria why she didn't leave him behind and sail off with Travis. She says they are bonded by their children. Victoria's glad that they've had the chance to spend some time with them together. Phyllis watches them from the doorway for a minute before interrupting. She asks to speak to Victoria alone. Once Abbott exits, the women discuss the plan. Phyllis urges her to talk to Travis in person. Victoria has said goodbye to him and doesn't need him back in her head. "This is not about you," Phyllis says. She begs her to step up and Victoria agrees.


At home, Mariah discovers that Dylan has been sleeping on the couch. Sharon claims they just had a fight. They gloss over it. Sharon realizes she owes Dylan an apology. They hug. Mariah claps. Kevin shows up and tells them he has evidence to clear Chloe. He explains that Paul has sent someone out to collect more evidence. Sharon encourages Dylan to go. He jogs out. Mariah and Kevin debate Chloe's innocence. He insists he didn't fabricate the evidence. Then he notices the flowers he sent to Chloe are there. Mariah admits she took them before Chloe saw they were from him. They bicker about her involvement in is love life. She storms off. He's confused. Sharon tells him to open his eyes.


Dylan shows up at the bus station and joins Paul in brushing for prints.

At the station, Paul gets a hit on Bethany in the database. He hands Dylan his badge and gun and they head off.


Back at the club, Billy bumps into his brother. Jack tells him about his fight with Phyllis. He explains the Summer situation and wonders when his wife became so comfortable lying to him. The topic turns to Victoria and her decision not to go to sea. Jack tells him that passion is fine, but stability lasts. That's what he wants with Phyllis.


The cops search Bethany's motel room and notice she left in a hurry. It's a mess. Dylan finds the wigs left behind.


A Look Ahead to Thursday, August 18th:


"I’ll keep it real short. Get the hell away from my wife," Jack tells Victor.


"You are playing a dangerous game and you have so much to lose," Ashley warns Phyllis.


Dylan discovers some more evidence in Bethany's room. "You have got to be kidding," says Paul.



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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

In today's previews of Wed show I couldn't tell what was wrong with Sharon's face. She sunburned or ate to many carrots she looked all orange



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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

He sure dug down to the bottom of the well to get Bethanny to take the fall

I don't get the connection to Adam



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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

@Laura14 wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@Laura14 wrote:

I half watched yesterday since we are still on the imaginary Adam scenes and stupid Chloe vs Victor repeats.  So Phyllis just drops all of her anger towards Victor like that to stop her daughter's wedding?  Whiplash!  Whiplash!  Everybody, whiplash!!


And can we please leave Travis gone?  He wasn't interesting the first time.   

No, but at least he was cute, which is more than you can say for the vast majority of the other male inhabitants of GC... And speaking of not interesting OR attractive... Did someone say Jill's hubbie was re-upping... PLEASE, NO... He brings absolutely nothing to the game, and really, this poor, pathetic show has enough characters in that league already... And speaking of those who bring nothing to the procedings, I thought Summer was on her way OUT... WHY is she still here...? For heaven's sake, I'm only watching about once every three weeks as it is... I'm thinking a clean and complete break unless there's some hope I won't have to further endure her... for starters...

Tristan, she didn't mean it!!   Hey, I keep telling GH to bring Robert Scorpio back here but if I have to watch him as Colin on Y&R, don't step on my joy!  


There are some attractive men on Y&R.  As soon as I think of one, I will be back to tell you who it is.  Now that I have GH in my head, I have all those hot guys in my mind now.  Thank you!  Heart 

Believe me, Tristan, she meant it... Every word of it...




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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

@Laura14 wrote:

Okay I thought of one.  He isn't on the show anymore but if they bring back Jeff Branson's Ronan, I am not responsible for jumping into his arms on his first day back on set.    Smiley Tongue

@Laura14 When you have to delve back into almost ancient history to come up with a cutie, then, like I said, they have a serious shortage of them in GC...


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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

[ Edited ]

@loveschocolate wrote:

@SharkE, my daughter is an adult and younger than Summer and thank you God she's got common sense and a brain, UNLIKE Summer. Nick and Phyllis did an EXCELLENT job of raising her!! NOT!!!! She's a whiny, desperate, spoiled brat. I say let the chips fall will they may. You would have thought she would have LEARNED something from the whole Austin situation! @stevieb, I thought she was going to be she's on more than ever!!! Blech, Blech, Blech!!!! 😡😡😡😡

Exactly @loveschocolate... A recurring nightmare, maybe... And as for me, I hope Luca takes her on a one way road to oblivon... I cannot STAND her...

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

[ Edited ]

My guess is that cow Bethany will be around for however long her man, Justin, is around... I'd bet the ranch he got her the gig, which, if I recall, was supposed to be a short-term sort of thing...



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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

@stevieb, what's up with her face???? 😮😮😮😮😮

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Re: Y&R Thread August 2016..SPOILERS!!!!!

She can't act worth a **** that's for sure.

Don't take a college professor to figure it out. LOL

