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Re: Y&R TUESDAY Oct 27. 2015 Kookoo Chole rampage

foxxii..I  hope it is Gabrielle too.  So they think he's going to have an amazing recovery and be able to come to the Halloween party?


If that does happen maybe she is telling GOD that she'll tell who hit the little girl if he lets Christian live.  Something like that so we can't totally hate her.


Did you notice how now they're trying to soften Victor (by having him talk to the little boy about his Daddy).

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Re: Y&R TUESDAY Oct 27. 2015 Kookoo Chole rampage

I keep thinking about that little boy (Connor).  From day one I've wondered why they picked him.  He's so fair and blonde.  He doesn't resemble either of them at all (never did).


He always seems so lethargic.  I know they don't drug the kids but it seems like they wait until he's so sleepy for a nap.  


The little boy who plays Billy's baby looked a lot like Billy Miller.  I wonder why they choose a child who is so fair?


So many things changed.  From the time when they killed off Deliah (it's as if we'll no longer see the children grow like Mariah, etc).  


I wish we could have some real power couples or at least people other than Victor.  There's no redeeming quality with him.

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Re: Y&R TUESDAY Oct 27. 2015 Kookoo Chole rampage

Oh Foxxie I hope what you are saying is true. 


Sunshine I hate what they did to Sharon on the show....I thought her and Nick were good together too.

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Registered: ‎12-18-2010

Re: Y&R TUESDAY Oct 27. 2015 Kookoo Chole rampage

Annabelle maybe the pickins were slim but both my kids had blonde hair until they were about 6 and then it turned dark.   I don't think my kids really look like either one of us.  Maybe the milkman ha ha .
