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Y&R FRIDAY OCT 30, 2015 Spooky Ian??

The Delia Project gala is underway; all having a marvelous time – unaware that a mysterious person in a devil costume has sparked a fire in the electrical room … Hilary awakens – demanding to see her husband – Neil!



Next: Chris updates Adam and Mike; I just spoke with the warder at Walworth and told him to expect you tonight … Cane gets a call – is Joe with you!? It’s not what you think, Lily explains – he’s just here. OK, then I’l be there soon, Cane replies….As flames engulf the electrical room, smoke billows out of the door – and the man in the devil’s costume watches.

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Re: Y&R FRIDAY OCT 30, 2015 Spooky Ian??

are you kidding me? hllary is going to believe she is still married to neil?!

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Y&R FRIDAY OCT 30, 2015 Spooky Ian??

[ Edited ]

But yet she probably won't remember that she's cheating with Devon!!  Oh and she seems to have perfectly manicued nails!!

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Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Y&R FRIDAY OCT 30, 2015 Spooky Ian??

[ Edited ]

Boy, what selective memory!  Why would Hilary run away from Cain?  Going to the hospital was a good idea but how strange that the hospital corridors were so empty.  The stranger that she asked for help ran off without helping or using his cell phone to call someone for her.  Then....there's Dr Neville on the ready with his hypodermic needle.  


That was the first thing I noticed when Hilary appeared was the beautiful manicure.  That didn't help her character realism at all.  Now if she had been in a coma in the hospital, I could think that a relative or an aid had done her nails but as we know, Neil didn't even give potty privileges.  How come that be overlooked?



“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)