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Grandpa - that's what I get for trying to post while on break, lol.


Here's a link to a summary of the last two episodes of the original series.  Things got a little convoluted when Duchovny left and new characters were introduced.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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I knew the Cigarette man was going to be on and was worried when he didn't show up,,,,,but finally we saw him.


His name is William Davis and they credited him as a guest star.  Loved it!

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Loving this show!

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It's getting better, Mulder and Scully seem more with it.  Good seeing "The Smoking Gun" guy.  And 'the smoking guy',too.  I wonder if they will tie up all the episodes at the end?

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Re: X-Files on Sunday night = SPOILERS

OK, who watched the X-files the other night?  What did you guys think?  I was listening to Enertainment Weekly on the radio and the morning guy is an X-File maniac.  He knows the show inside and out.  It's wonderful to hear him talk about the old X-Files (which I saw from the beginning, every episode).


He reminded us about the relationship between Scully and her Dad.  Remember, he was in the Navy at one time?  Remember how she and her Dad had such a wonderful relationship?


He also talked about how he thought it was good the way the writer has brought back their child and what went on way back.  I thought it was a bit dramatic but good.  It explained to newbies the close relationship these two once had.


Also, I'd forgotten but the 'trash guy' was there before, long ago.  Anyone else remember him?


I think eventually I'd like to go back and rewatch all of the episodes.  Some I'll probably FF over, those I remember well, but I think it will be fun, a trip down memory lane.


I asked my youngest daughter (now 35) how old she was when we used to all sit and watch the show together (to this day we laugh about turd man) they called him that, remember?


She said she was in middle school (around 13 or so).  


Any comments here?  I'm interested.