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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I really love this show. Last night so much happened. So many different things going on and they switch around so much just when you're into the present one. Otherwise it's a great show. Leslie Manville is a fave of mine. I could do without the young school girls volunteering to have babies for the Reich. It kind of turned my stomach. The guys in the desert was exciting. I'm more interested in the homefront, tho, lol. Hate to see this end as all good things must. So, hope some of you are watching?

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Posts: 1,589
Registered: ‎10-04-2010
I absolutely loved Season 1, but have not watched Season 2 yet. I am waiting a few more weeks for more episodes to be available. Once I start to watch a multi-part show like this I like to have many of the episodes available so I do not have to wait the week in between. I like to binge Smiley Happy
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Posts: 389
Registered: ‎06-21-2010

@Judaline OMG! I Heart this show!!!


PBS has some fabulous shows on TV. This one has so much going on, but easy to follow. 


Last night's show was heartbreaking. When she signed her name and drew a flower after her signature I wanted to cry! So innocent!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,486
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Major Shopper wrote:

@Judaline OMG! I Heart this show!!!


PBS has some fabulous shows on TV. This one has so much going on, but easy to follow. 


Last night's show was heartbreaking. When she signed her name and drew a flower after her signature I wanted to cry! So innocent!

Plus the fact she had eyes for another guy. I guess she was afraid to say no to the robot she chose.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

I think I liked season 1 better. There's so much going on and they switch from scene to scene so fast. It's definitely worth watching. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 639
Registered: ‎12-03-2010

PBS does such a wonderful job in recreating the "worlds" of their series.


World of Fire is no different. I could not get personally connected to any character in order to continue to watch this series. Not one character. They seem superficial, which is unusual in a PBS series.

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Posts: 3,955
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I watched both seasons.  It was excellent.  It does jump around bit, and you have to remind yourself each time whether you were in Berlin, Paris or where.  I learned a lot about how people survived in WWII. I highly recommend World on Fire.


I'm now watching Hotel Portofino.  It's so-so.  Something about it just isn't engaging.  



Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,263
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

This is one of my favorite British series, ever!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,447
Registered: ‎01-13-2012

I liked Season 1 better.  This season is very very depressing.  The war scenes and those poor girls being brainwashed to think they are "chosen"... sickens me.  I guess the message here is simply war is hell.  Past and present...

I enjoy Hotel Portofino more and can't wait for All Creatures...

Valued Contributor
Posts: 754
Registered: ‎04-13-2016

I also enjoyed season 1 more. Thought last nights episode was the best yet in season 2. I find the story of the girls having babies for the Reich interesting as I never heard of this. I'm wondering what happened to these kids after the war. Did they end up in orphanages, go back to a bio parent, get adopted or what?