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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

@chrystaltree wrote:

@qvcaddition wrote:

With all the unrest in the world today between races, they timed it just right.



      It's an American story, the world isn't involved.  But does give some much needed historical persepective to the racial situation here in the US.  Such things are not taught in schools anymore.  Slavery and reconstruction are glossed over in a chapter or two.  If that.  And so many people want to pretend or even worse have no idea of how instrumental African Americans were in building this nation.  Just last week, a friend who is well educated, was totally aghast when someone in hour group referred to African sailors on Columbus's ships and on the ships of early Spanish explorers.  It was like she never heard it anywhere.  She actually thought Africans in the New World began with slavery.  So, in light of such ignorance.  Movies like Roots are not just important, they are crucial.  I don't have school age children but if I did,  we'd watch as family. 



my kids watched the mini-series as part of their history class, i believe in 9th grade.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

Chrystaltree wrote:

Reiki604 wrote:

Given the fact that there is at least one state that removed the word slavery from its educational curriculum and replaced it with 'unpaid workers', it is essential that the story of this country's history warts and all be told. We need to see and learn about the brutality of history to ensure that it never happens again. I fully expect this program to be horrifyingly brutal and violent but am sure that whatever is shown is nothing compared to what happened in real life. 


Some delicate sensibilities may be offended but that is nothing compared to the lessons that appear to need to be taught over and over again.


      "Unpaid workers:....are you kidding me??????   I don't even want to know what state chose to do something so dishonest and well, evil.  So, what do they call the Civil War?  The little "tiff" whe had with the North when Lincoln stole our "unpaid workers"  


This is positively HORRIFIC.   On one hand, it's hard to believe that they are doing that.  OTOH, and figuring probably which state that is, I can believe it.  But that makes it no less  disgusting.  SMH big time.

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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

  • Am I the only one who doesn't understand the "I saw the first one" responses.  The original was 30 years ago, an entire lifetime.  That's like saying I saw The Sound of Music 30 years ago, I don't need to see it again.  As if every single intepretation is exactly like the original. 
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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

Starting on Monday May 30 on the History Channel, A&E, and Lifetime at 9:00 will be the remake of the original Roots mini series. This will I  believe run on 4 consecutive nights. I will be watching!


@Jordan2  Nothing can top Roots, certainly not a remake.  That movie really impressed me when it was first shown, learned a lot that I didn't know.  It was certainly enlightening and emotionally draining.

Maybe it won't be as good as the original, maybe it will contain scenes that were too graphic for 30 years ago. I know it is hard to watch a show like this, but it did happen and you can't pretend like it didn't. One has to know the past, and learn from it so it can never happen again.

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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots


No reason for the remake.

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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

NO remake can even come close to the original of Roots. Plus, I hate remakes and NEVER watch them. So a big NO from me.

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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

@chrystaltree wrote:

@reiki604 wrote:

Given the fact that there is at least one state that removed the word slavery from its educational curriculum and replaced it with 'unpaid workers', it is essential that the story of this country's history warts and all be told. We need to see and learn about the brutality of history to ensure that it never happens again. I fully expect this program to be horrifyingly brutal and violent but am sure that whatever is shown is nothing compared to what happened in real life. 


Some delicate sensibilities may be offended but that is nothing compared to the lessons that appear to need to be taught over and over again.


      "Unpaid workers:....are you kidding me??????   I don't even want to know what state chose to do something so dishonest and well, evil.  So, what do they call the Civil War?  The little "tiff" whe had with the North when Lincoln stole our "unpaid workers"  



You thought Lincoln stole your unpaid workers?  


Really?  Funny, but I thought Lincoln freed the slaves.

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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

@reiki604 wrote:

Given the fact that there is at least one state that removed the word slavery from its educational curriculum and replaced it with 'unpaid workers', it is essential that the story of this country's history warts and all be told. We need to see and learn about the brutality of history to ensure that it never happens again. I fully expect this program to be horrifyingly brutal and violent but am sure that whatever is shown is nothing compared to what happened in real life. 


Some delicate sensibilities may be offended but that is nothing compared to the lessons that appear to need to be taught over and over again.


      "Unpaid workers:....are you kidding me??????   I don't even want to know what state chose to do something so dishonest and well, evil.  So, what do they call the Civil War?  The little "tiff" whe had with the North when Lincoln stole our "unpaid workers"  



You thought Lincoln stole your unpaid workers?  


Really?  Funny, but I thought Lincoln freed the slaves.


       well, they were "unpaid workers" so they couldn't be freed.  So, Lincoln either stole them or hired them    I wish I knew what state this foolihness came from.  I want to avoid it at all's just too stupid for

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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

Google it.......I don't want to start a war here

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Re: Will You Watch The Remake Of The Mini Series Roots

I refuse to watch these types of movies, I know history needs to be told to the YOUNGER people but I'm done with all these types of movies, roots, 12 days a slave, precious any movie of negativity, I'm done.


I'm not saying I only watch perfect shows but these types of movies do help me feel better about society or anything.  I might be weird but I don't get any enjoyment from watching people be whipped, treated badly knowing FULL WELL, many PEOPLE....would LOVE for it to go back to those days....


It is so many things I could say but I prefer not to even get into it...