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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

@Icegoddess wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

My husband swears a second son was introduced into the 2nd episode in the scene where the father was crying hugging him saying he hadn't seen him in years.  The young man he was hugging didn't say anything (that I can remember) he just looked blankly into the camera.


So that wasn't the same kid that looks like his bed is set up in a basement?  I'm so confused.  I thought it was the same kid, my husband says it's another son.  So that would make only 1 son left that we haven't seen or heard from....???

@Lucky Charm I thought that was Jacob.  He was apparently the only son to have any contact with him after the divorce, unless that scene happened after the taping of all the other stuff.  I really don't care for jumping back and forth in time. 


Also, Entertainment Tonight said ID will be airing another special later this summer that is Natalia's side of the story.  It shows her in a wheelchair and she says she's going to give her side just once.  

I watched her on the Dr. Phil show in 2019 but of course all of the information we're being given wasn't shown. She was in a wheelchair then as well. I'd be interested in seeing her new interview.

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

@Lucky Charm I just changed the channel to get ready to watch the final episode and they were showing the scene about him hugging his son and it definitely was Jacob.

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

@Lucky Charm wrote:

Honestly, I can't stand how they keep re-hashing the story it seems after every commercial break.  That makes it drag on.  


Yeah, the father is getting his 2 cents in, maybe the mother will in the next two hours?


The blond woman from Court TV (I think) seems credible.  Did she determine that the child was a young 6 year old when adopted?  She said something like *Do the math*.  Well, so many different dates and years had been mentioned, that I couldn't do the


I think the little couple were saying they went to see Natalia in New Hampshire and the woman caring for her was Diane?  Whatever her name, Diane or Deborah or whoever, but she was fostering Natalia and was disgruntled when the couple wouldn't adopt her.  It seems they saw a problem with the child and yet were able to point fingers at the Barnetts.  ???


And the school teacher, I can't even remember if she wanted to adopt Natalia, but obviously didn't and she is disgruntled with the Barnetts.


It's kind of confusing....


Plus, I was tired and probably should've taped it.  Every time I asked my husband something that I didn't understand, I'd look over and he would be asleep.   !!!



I am trying to watch this but it is totally confusing.  The way this was put together and filmed is the most confusing thing I have ever tried to watch.  I still have no idea what is going on.  All the different scenes the flash backs, the neighbors witnessed so much and yet the authorities seemed to do nothing.  The dad is beyond strange.

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

Also why did they put her in apartments that were hard for her to get around and not hire a care giver.  If she is an adult were adult services contacted.  What the heck is happening.

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

@sunshine 919 wrote:

Also why did they put her in apartments that were hard for her to get around and not hire a care giver.  If she is an adult were adult services contacted.  What the heck is happening.

Whoa who is the shirtless guy they are talking to yikes

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

Very confusing.  Some of it made no sense to me. 


The police officer telling them to go get her date of birth changed?  They can't confirm that conversation because he died.


Also the mother apparently beating the he!! out of her, no one saw any marks?  Did she not go to school where a teacher would see?

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

I am looking forward to Natalia's story this summer.


And unless I missed it, I don't recall her enrolled in school.


And that man's belly button was most disturbing 😱


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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

[ Edited ]

This is definitely a bizarre story. Natalia definitely won the lottery for bad parents. I feel so sad for her when I think about them dumping her off to fend for herself in Lafayette. I think that Michael is absolutely crazy. I wish we could have heard from Christine but I'm imagining that she's probably worse than Michael or just as bad. I would have liked to have seen both parents receive punishment for what they did to Natalia.

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

[ Edited ]

When I first went to record this show, my Tv guide showed 5 episodes. Okay fine. But then when I went to watch them it seemed like two of those episodes were actually reruns but that wasn't indicated on the dates to be shown. So with the confusion already set in with viewing this series, I found it even more confusing when I actually got that part straightened out. What they covered in the series was confusing as well. Not the best planned show imo but it was interesting. I wouldn't recommend it.


Seemed to me that the show was more about Michael Barnett than it was about Natalia Grace.

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Re: Wild story. Curious Case of Natalia Grace on Tonight 9 on ID

Well, that was quite a disappointing ending.  Nothing happened to the parents, and Michael seems to think he was completely exonerated.  Maybe it's just the way he is, or he was trying to be upbeat, but the way he was acting when he was with his lawyer was like he was almost giddy and flippant, both before and after the trial while waiting for  the verdict.  And then at the very end when they showed him some final piece of evidence but cut it off so we didn't get to see what it was.  That didn't go over well with me at all.  This was supposed to be a documentary, not a movie.  


And what was that bit at the end about not giving the camera the crying version as though he could cry on demand if he wanted to?