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My grand Girls ages 11 and 7 love, love, love White Christmas

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Registered: ‎01-02-2017

Very good movie. Watched The Bishops Wife, while doing a little decorating last night . My favorite Christmas movie is, Its a Wonderful Life, and The Christmas Carol, with George C. Scott. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Kind of sad that these classic Christmas movies are rarely shown on regular cable anymore. Have noticed on my cable that many were only being shown on demand for a fee the past couple years. This is why I purchased quite a few of the ones I like on DVD. Did see the end of promo on TCM this morning about Holiday movies but did not hear when they start.
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Registered: ‎11-21-2011

@hellokitty wrote:

I like this movie, too.  My favorite one is Holiday Inn.  This is the movie that introduced the song White Christmas.  The scene where he sings part of it and misses the girl makes me cry even though I have seen the movie a zillion times and know how it ends.


@hellokitty Holiday Inn is my favorite too. I love that version of the song White Christmas with the bells. I have both movies permanently on my DVR.