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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

To really shake things up next year once it is past any jury buy-back possibility I think the jury house should get the live feed.

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman - Thank you so much for your insight, humor and info of the BB 21 season.  I relied on you 100% while Direct TV lost our CBS stations for almost 3 weeks.  Your posts are very enjoyable as well as informative and it was a pleasure to read them.  This season's guests were poorly cast by CBS (IMO).  Let's hope next year will be more interesting.  I hope you continue to heal and enjoy life. Until next season when we "meet" again.

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It's showtime! Julie's dressed in a black dress. Now we get the typical recap and opening. We're going to see Jessica's fall to her death as a GIF for years to come. We start out with the jury roundtable. Cliff joins the jury. Kat thought Cliff would win the whole thing. Nick thinks comp wins are most important. Analyse looks confused. Kat thinks Jackson was loyal. They want Jackson to own his game. Time for the first break. When we come back the roundtable will talk about Holly and Nicole.

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

We're back for more of the jury roundtable. Now the jury talks about Nicole. Tommy would love to vote for Nicole. Kat thinks Nicole played the best social game. Analyse is confused. Nick doesn't think Nicole was playing the whole time. Analyse doesn't think Holly should win. Christie doesn't respect her game. Kat points out that Holly targeted big targets while Jackson took out bottom feeders. Time for another break. Part two of the HOH comp is up next.

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Analyse is complely clueless. It was great to see Nicole's family.

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Time for part two of the HOH comp between Holly and Nicole. It's the days comp with twelve images and they have to put the right day by it. Nicole took 14:38. Holly took 10:38. Holly won part two. Nicole was very upset and disappointed. Now we see Nicole trying to manipulate Holly to take her to the end. Holly says in the DR that taking Nicole would give her a better shot at winning. Time for part three of the HOH comp. Not scales this year. Interesting. They have to answer A, B, or C to identify the false statement from former houseguests. Both Jackson and Holly get the first question right. Both get the second question right. They both get question three right. They both get question four right. Jackson gets question five right, Holly gets it wrong. They both get question six right. They both get question seven right. They both got question eight right. Jackson wins part three. Time for another break. 

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I didn't think the audience sounded like they were happy.  It was mediocre applause IMO.

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Time for Jackson to pick who to go against. Time for the final pleas. Holly goes first. Loved playing with him. She's babbling a bit. Nicole respects Jackson's game and loves and respects him. Jackson takes Holly with him and evicts Nicole. (No surprise.) Nicole goes out to thunderous applause. Julie asks for Nicole's thoughts. She was hopeful, but didn't expect Jackson to take her. Nicole sees her family and freaks out for a second. She loves herself and is no longer a carepillar, but a butterfly. Time for another break.

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Well, this is a first.  When Nicole saw her family and her reaction I cried!

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Re: Wednesday 9/25/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Jury time now. The jury sees Nicole join them. Time for the jury questions. Cliff asks Jackson how effective his jury management was? He said it was important but he had to do what he did. Christie asks Holly what her strategy was. She wanted to fly under the radar. Didn't talk about her academic achievements.Exhausted plans A to Z. Tommy says Jackson was demeaning and degrading. Should they reward him for that? Jackson says he was intense and never wanted to come across as degrading. Analyse asks how Holly played her game and how it was different from Jackson's. Holly says she went after big targets while Jackson targeted lesser players. She tried hard to manage Jackson. Jessica asks Jackson why he deserves to win over Holly. He talks about his strategy. Jack asks Holly why she deserves to win over Jackson. She wanted to play with honesty and integrity. Her social game was better. Time for another break, then closing arguments and the vote.

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