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After watching all seasons of Wentworth on Netflix I was looking for another similar series, Australian if possible and ran across Wanted.    I loved it too.


If you have ever seen the series Good Girls, it reminded me a bit of Good Girls with a cross between Thelma & Louise 

with a better ending

I really enjoy these Aussie dramas, but they are not for everyone.

The violence can be hard to watch, especially in Wentworth, I had to close my eyes more than once.


If you prefer something edgy, Wentworth & Wanted are good choices.

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Re: Wanted series on Netflix

@software    Synopsis please

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Wanted series on Netflix

@software , have you watched A Place to Call Home?  It is Australian and very good.  I think there are five seasons.  It is like a mini Downton Abbey.  I am in Canada so can't help you on where to watch.  I was using my Android Box.  Check it out.  S aka Lilysmom

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Wanted series on Netflix

[ Edited ]

@Lilysmom1 wrote:

@software , have you watched A Place to Call Home?  It is Australian and very good.  I think there are five seasons.  It is like a mini Downton Abbey.  I am in Canada so can't help you on where to watch.  I was using my Android Box.  Check it out.  S aka Lilysmom

i came across that series, during our lockdown. i had to get mine from the library. I think it was 6 seasons, but the last was only 4 (?) episodes and just wrapped up all the story lines. really good.

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Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎06-08-2016

Re: Wanted series on Netflix

I think it's on Netflix, I'll check it out, thanks.


@Lilysmom1 wrote:

@software , have you watched A Place to Call Home?  It is Australian and very good.  I think there are five seasons.  It is like a mini Downton Abbey.  I am in Canada so can't help you on where to watch.  I was using my Android Box.  Check it out.  S aka Lilysmom


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Posts: 4,049
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Wanted series on Netflix

Thanks for the recommendations.