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We saw this today and it was by far the best movie I've seen in 2017.


Judi Dench is fabulous.

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It looked so good in the clips I've seen-- glad that you've confirmed it, muttmom!

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I saw Judi Dench on Ellen recently (and I normally don't watch) and the true story of Victoria and Abdul is fascinating. Plan to see the movie.

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@muttmom, Thank you for posting your opinion on Victoria & Abdul. 

I was planning on seeing it, as I like Dame Judi Dench & I'll be taking one of my sisters, who is always checking out history books from the library.

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Acting as devil's advocate here, I'm going to avoid this movie because of the white washing of the imperialism foisted upon the Indian subcontinent during Queen Victoria's reign.


It's insulting as far as I'm concerned.


I'm a retired World History teacher, specializing in Eastern Hemisphere. 

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Thanks for the review. I would like to see this.

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It's on my "to see" list along with Brad's Status and Wind River which I'll see tomorrow. Thanks for the review. 

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@muttmom, thanks for the review.  I'm looking for some good movies!  LM

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Queen Victoria, Intriguing woman in so many ways. From her early years becoming Queen and dealing with her duties of monarchy. Highly recommend series on Amazon "Victoria" BBC production.

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I keep seeing the commercials for it and they are saying it's based on "the untold true story" 


Who told the story since she's been dead for 116 years and probably every one else involved with it.