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I've seen the bikini area one, but....she has undies on.  And I'm not seeing *before* hair.  It really doesn't go up that far anyways.  So she just looks like she's shaving  bare skin above her undies. Maybe it's her bikini bottoms.  I dunno.  That doesn't bother me. 


I did see the one with the full underarm hair, and think, really?  Do we need to see all that hair?


The only commercial that grosses me out is a One a Day commercial.  The song, the whole commercial.  Blah.

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I watched the commercial on you tube and it looks like she has a bad case of razor burn lol. A European version played afterwards and it was nothing like the American version. It was very different. The women in it even look classy.

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it doesnt bother me and if i dont like a commercial i just let that be my "break time." if you dont like that venus razor commercial you better not watch the billie razor commercial.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I don't like it either.  Also, I don't want anybody talking about anything in my pants, not even poise.  


There used to be a commercial on one of those funniest ads shows that apparently never made the air.  A mother hears her daughter and her friend talking about what she is going to do with the money she is counting from her piggy bank.  The mother is shocked to hear her say "I'm going to buy TAMPAX tampons."  Then the girl goes on to explain about all the things you can do if you have Tampax tampons. You can go swimming and horseback riding, etc.  Then the cut to the outside of the door where the mother is holding in laugh.  


Now, at that time that was considered too something to put on TV.  I'm not sure what was the problem with it.  


Reminds me of when I was a little girl. I cried when my mother wouldn't let them color my hair blonde when she took me in for my ugly pixie cut.  Why did I want to be a blonde so bad?  Because "true blondes have more fun" of course.  

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@Kachina624 wrote:

If you object to these commercials, you shouldn't hesitate to let the companies know.  There have been several that I've contacted and the ads didn't last long.  It's not that I was a influencer but maybe me + 5,000 other people were.  It's so easy to go to their website, find contact us and blast away.  They don't know they've gone too far unless you tell them. 

Have you seen The Gush one , it isn't even i give a "blank" , i just don't know who would approve this commercial , it must have been a 13 year old executive , it is that bad . Not even from an offensive angle just bad in general.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:


I rarely  see commercials for Men  issues....they are far and few. And they have PLENTY of issues! 


I wonder why?

You're right about that.  I've been waiting from 1 century to the next for a "jock itch" commercial.  However, I'll settle for this.....






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Agreed - everything you said!  No need for all of that! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Just showing life's realities.   In the past women's issues were kept secret but there should be no embarrassment about such things.  No reason for men to remain clueless about such things and women to be embarrasessed like what they are doing is wrong!!

The commercials I found gross were the Cottonelle ones about going commando.  There is no dry toilet paper that will clean anyone enough to do that.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

I notice a pattern with these kinds of always is around FEMALE ISSUES....


POISE IN HER PANTS... for incontinence...


The "gush"Commercial. For feminine protection...

The three women  shaving the bush in front of them for the shavers... or the new Venus commercial...


I rarely  see commercials for Men  issues....they are far and few. And they have PLENTY of issues! 


I wonder why?

They have a commercial with a razor for some kinda manscaping. It's just not as graphic and disgusting.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

I notice a pattern with these kinds of always is around FEMALE ISSUES....


POISE IN HER PANTS... for incontinence...


The "gush"Commercial. For feminine protection...

The three women  shaving the bush in front of them for the shavers... or the new Venus commercial...


I rarely  see commercials for Men  issues....they are far and few. And they have PLENTY of issues! 


I wonder why?

Funny, We get all kinds of commercials about men, including one that uses a vegetable. It seems as though there's not much that falls off the wall of "poor taste" as far as the advertising agencies are concerned.