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I think Venus Razor has gone too far on their latest TV commercial.  They just showed a women shaving around her bikini bottom to smoothly shave the "pubic hair"  Did they really have to show that? 

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Registered: ‎05-08-2016

I agree. Yuk! 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I don't know if this is on network tv , but the worst is about The Gush , for a personal always pad .there is nothing wrong with advertising personal products , but this one is one is the worst commercial i have ever seen.

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Posts: 792
Registered: ‎08-24-2011

@grandma2pkmh I was thinking the exact same thing!! And they also have a commercial where a close-up of a woman shaving a very hairy underarm is shown in action. It is just sickening. Dumbest ad campaign ever. Yes, I will remember Venus brand- so that I NEVER buy it!!

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I notice a pattern with these kinds of always is around FEMALE ISSUES....


POISE IN HER PANTS... for incontinence...


The "gush"Commercial. For feminine protection...

The three women  shaving the bush in front of them for the shavers... or the new Venus commercial...


I rarely  see commercials for Men  issues....they are far and few. And they have PLENTY of issues! 


I wonder why?

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Registered: ‎07-26-2019

@MW in Iowa wrote:

 I could not believe it when I aw it on TV on the east coast.  Demeaning


Honored Contributor
Posts: 73,468
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

If you object to these commercials, you shouldn't hesitate to let the companies know.  There have been several that I've contacted and the ads didn't last long.  It's not that I was a influencer but maybe me + 5,000 other people were.  It's so easy to go to their website, find contact us and blast away.  They don't know they've gone too far unless you tell them. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎04-21-2010

I can only imagine where they go next.  Hollywood displays it all, music videos are littered with Madison Ave admen are just following the new is the downgrading of society.  

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Posts: 1,753
Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Totally agree! Hubs and I were watching TV and this commercial came on. I am no prude but told hubs that I could not believe that they were showing her shaving "down there."

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Registered: ‎12-18-2010

I agree girls.  I was embarrassed when males were in the room while they were on.
