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Valerie Harper was great last night!

I hope she starts doing more things. She looked wonderful and was as funny as ever. Not a huge fan of Two Broke Girls, but If I knew she'd be on, I'd watch. Anyone else see her?
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Re: Valerie Harper was great last night!

Yes I saw her on the insufferable TBG while waiting for scorpion to come on, and it was the highlight of the show... if she was not on the show I would have muted it!

BTW should she become a regular I will not watch TBG but would if Valerie Harper maybe was in another setting

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Re: Valerie Harper was great last night!

I am happy she seemed to beat the cancer. She was so funny on the Mary Tyler Moore show years ago and the spinoff Roahda,(sp)?
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Re: Valerie Harper was great last night!

My coworker also commented today that she was good last night, love her!!!

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Re: Valerie Harper was great last night!

So, I guess she's doing better. Does anyone know if she's cured or what's going on? if you talked to my middle daughter (she's 39) she'd tell you one of her fondest memories are of her watching Rhoda in our Rec Room while she was riding her hobby horse (she rode that thing day and night).

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Re: Valerie Harper was great last night!

I haven't seen the episode yet. I like 2BG, however, and Valerie Harper so I shall look forward to the episode.

I'm glad that she seems to be doing pretty well, all things considered. She has an awesome attitude.

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Re: Valerie Harper was great last night!

From what I remember, she was in treatment and then the tumor (s) miraculously disappeared. I saw her on 2BG and she was great. I loved her as Rhoda on MTM as well as Rhoda.

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Re: Valerie Harper was great last night!

I wish her nothing but the best.