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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

Most women, I would imagine, put on wieight during menipause, and at age 61 and cooking so much, it is understandable, and I think she looks great. She looks average for her age.  Most cooks/chefs gain weight being around food that they have to taste as they go.

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@agb80 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Some posts here have me shaking my head. Have some of you never heard of 'love thy neighbor', the golden rule or 'what goes around comes around'? Such lack of compassion says a lot. 


"If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness."

"If you want a better world, be better."

@ThinkingOutLoud I wasn't conversing with her on social media I hope you realize.  i don't even use it.  I just saw this thread and posted my opinion based on her video crying and loosing it and then realized she didn't lose a loved one but some person she doesn't know called her fat.  Frankly I have no idea what she looks like these days nor do I care.    

Missed the point entirely. The critcism is the issue, not whether you follow her or know what she looks like these days. What you put into the world matters!

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

[ Edited ]

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@agb80 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Some posts here have me shaking my head. Have some of you never heard of 'love thy neighbor', the golden rule or 'what goes around comes around'? Such lack of compassion says a lot. 


"If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness."

"If you want a better world, be better."

@ThinkingOutLoud I wasn't conversing with her on social media I hope you realize.  i don't even use it.  I just saw this thread and posted my opinion based on her video crying and loosing it and then realized she didn't lose a loved one but some person she doesn't know called her fat.  Frankly I have no idea what she looks like these days nor do I care.    

Missed the point entirely. The critcism is the issue, not whether you follow her or know what she looks like these days. What you put into the world matters!

Well obviously you and I will never see eye to eye and that's fine.  I don't like drama queens especially now when so much is going on in our country; there are people who rightly deserve to cry and scream.....her, not so much.  Wasted my time watching her video and will never make that mistake again.  If you want to think I'm a terrible person because I care about people who have really suffered, then so be it!


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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

[ Edited ]

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@agb80 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Some posts here have me shaking my head. Have some of you never heard of 'love thy neighbor', the golden rule or 'what goes around comes around'? Such lack of compassion says a lot. 


"If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness."

"If you want a better world, be better."

@ThinkingOutLoud I wasn't conversing with her on social media I hope you realize.  i don't even use it.  I just saw this thread and posted my opinion based on her video cryi and loosing it and then realized she didn't lose a loved one but some person she doesn't know called her fat.  Frankly I have no idea what she looks like these days nor do I care.    

Missed the point entirely. The critcism is the issue, not whether you follow her or know what she looks like these days. What you put into the world matters!

And it doesn't matter whether someone is an actor, reality star, famous person, or someone you love. It makes no difference if they cook, how big or small they are, menopause, pandemic, or anything else. I will never understand the mindset of any person who makes negative comments, observations, or jokes about anyone's appearance or mental state. I read it on these forums on a regular basis. Please, think before you speak.

“The soul is healed by being with children.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@agb80 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Some posts here have me shaking my head. Have some of you never heard of 'love thy neighbor', the golden rule or 'what goes around comes around'? Such lack of compassion says a lot. 


"If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness."

"If you want a better world, be better."

@ThinkingOutLoud I wasn't conversing with her on social media I hope you realize.  i don't even use it.  I just saw this thread and posted my opinion based on her video cryi and loosing it and then realized she didn't lose a loved one but some person she doesn't know called her fat.  Frankly I have no idea what she looks like these days nor do I care.    

Missed the point entirely. The critcism is the issue, not whether you follow her or know what she looks like these days. What you put into the world matters!

And it doesn't matter whether someone is an actor, reality star, famous person, or someone you love. It makes no difference if they cook, how big or small they are, menopause, pandemic, or anything else. I will never understand the mindset of any person who makes negative comments, observations, or jokes about anyone's  appearance or mental state. I read it on these forums on a regular basis. Please, think before you speak.

Take your own advice because you don't know what you're talking about.

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Posts: 38,064
Registered: ‎06-11-2011

Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

I'm laughing at people writing nastiness in their posts condemning @agb80  for being nasty in her post.  More "do as I say, not as I do" behavior. 

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@agb80 wrote:

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@agb80 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Some posts here have me shaking my head. Have some of you never heard of 'love thy neighbor', the golden rule or 'what goes around comes around'? Such lack of compassion says a lot. 


"If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness."

"If you want a better world, be better."

@ThinkingOutLoud I wasn't conversing with her on social media I hope you realize.  i don't even use it.  I just saw this thread and posted my opinion based on her video cryi and loosing it and then realized she didn't lose a loved one but some person she doesn't know called her fat.  Frankly I have no idea what she looks like these days nor do I care.    

Missed the point entirely. The critcism is the issue, not whether you follow her or know what she looks like these days. What you put into the world matters!

And it doesn't matter whether someone is an actor, reality star, famous person, or someone you love. It makes no difference if they cook, how big or small they are, menopause, pandemic, or anything else. I will never understand the mindset of any person who makes negative comments, observations, or jokes about anyone's  appearance or mental state. I read it on these forums on a regular basis. Please, think before you speak.

Take your own advice because you don't know what you're talking about.

She didn't give any advice.  She just stated how she felt.  I agree with @mom2four0418 200%.  She speaks my language.

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@Pearlee I'm not being nasty in my posts.  I think VB is acting like a child. 

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Posts: 1,201
Registered: ‎10-16-2020

Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@Carmie wrote:

@agb80 wrote:

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@agb80 wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Some posts here have me shaking my head. Have some of you never heard of 'love thy neighbor', the golden rule or 'what goes around comes around'? Such lack of compassion says a lot. 


"If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness."

"If you want a better world, be better."

@ThinkingOutLoud I wasn't conversing with her on social media I hope you realize.  i don't even use it.  I just saw this thread and posted my opinion based on her video cryi and loosing it and then realized she didn't lose a loved one but some person she doesn't know called her fat.  Frankly I have no idea what she looks like these days nor do I care.    

Missed the point entirely. The critcism is the issue, not whether you follow her or know what she looks like these days. What you put into the world matters!

And it doesn't matter whether someone is an actor, reality star, famous person, or someone you love. It makes no difference if they cook, how big or small they are, menopause, pandemic, or anything else. I will never understand the mindset of any person who makes negative comments, observations, or jokes about anyone's  appearance or mental state. I read it on these forums on a regular basis. Please, think before you speak.

Take your own advice because you don't know what you're talking about.

She didn't give any advice.  She just stated how she felt.  I agree with @mom2four0418 200%.  She speaks my language.

@Carmie well good for you! As I stated i wasn't on social media with VB and I'm entitled to my opinon just like you. She acted like a child.

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Posts: 1,201
Registered: ‎10-16-2020

Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

Oh boo hoo hoo, somebody called me fat but wait a minute I have no idea who they are.. Geez! No, I don't have any sympathy for that nonsense.