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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

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I don't go on celebrity pages and knock them even Chrissy Teagan who I despise. Valerie clearly struggles with her weight. Why would people go on her page to be mean about her weight as if she doesn't know? I also don't get the pile on here. The same posters who scream compassion have no problem beating a dead horse with a pile on. Tells me ALL I need to know about them.

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

There is nothing more attention seeking that posts where situations are compared.


This situation is worse than that situation.


We see posters sharing health issues (cancer, Parkinson's, etc.) and along will come a poster to say "I have a headache today".


If Valerie felt it was important to respond, and she almost did not, then it was not only a release for her but guarantee important to the silent ones dealing with weight issues.


We just never know how much one's journey is made a little better for knowing that they are not alone.





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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

[ Edited ]

@Nancy Drew wrote:

I don't go on celebrity pages and knock them even Chrissy Teagan who I despise. Valerie clearly struggles with her weight. Why would people go on her page to be mean about her weight as if she doesn't know? I also don't get the pile on here. The same posters who scream compassion have no problem beating a dead horse with a pile on. Tells me ALL I need to know about them.

@Nancy Drew  This, absolutely... I agree and like you I would not go in someone's 'backyard' just to critique them. I also essentially made the same point earlier about the rather glaring double standard here... It's an absolute paradox for folks to scream loud and long about 'sensitivity' and then to turn around and display such duplicity with some of the comments posted here on these forums aimed at those with whom they disagree, and regardless of the topic under discussion... 

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@Cakers3 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@kimbobimbo wrote:



You truly need an empathy injection. What's wrong with you? 

@kimbobimbo  Well that certainly wasn't very nice either.  People can express opinions that differ from yours and not have something wrong with them. Your post is as bad as you think hers is. 


And by the way I do not agree with @agb80 's post.

@Pearlee  It isn't about expressing opposing opinions.  Once again-nobody said she couldn't post.


The issue is she pushes the envelope every single time there is a thread about somebody dealing with an issue.  It doesn't matter the issue.


It's done for attention and not for conversational purposes.  She gets the reaction she is looking for.


Just as the trolls got the attention they wanted regarding Valerie.


Same boat, different crew.


Have a pleasant Saturday.

@Cakers3. Your point is irrelevant to my post.  Two wrongs don't make  a right no matter what the first poster's motives were.

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

I think it was extremely disappointing to see someone over dramatize their plight when people are really suffering.  Suffering terribly and not because some internet troll called them fat.  


But her petty and childish rant to some unknown person whose opinions she ended up eliciting by using her social media account is just ludicrous.  



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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

How cruel and mean to make comments about her weight.  How about the person she is?  Those peoplel with the mean comments need to look in the mirror because they are the ugly ones inside and out.

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

When I saw her video, I thought there's a lot more going with this person based on her response, it was a little bit too emotional.  Maybe it was to garner sympathy, which it did. Who knows?  Perhaps, she's embarassed that she can't keep the weight off especially after that Jenny Craig campaign.


There are different ways to clap back at a troll.


As far as fat shaming, back in the 80s, Joan Rivers religiously skwered Elizabeth Taylor in her routines for becoming overweight.  Thread about Demi Moore's daughters is filled with hateful comments. 


There many threads started in the forums to say something negative about a host or someone will hijack the thread to get a dig in. When called on it, they respond with they utilizing their right to express their opinion


Maybe it's human nature, in Valerie's case to state the obvious.


Many celebrities use public social media to stay relevent and in so doing that they leave themselves open to the negative.


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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

[ Edited ]

I feel bad she let some jerks get to her.  I follow her on Twitter and she has a good life: A nice husband, a son who adores her, and a tv  show.  She was a child star who grew up to be pretty grounded, thanks to wonderful parents.

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@agb80 wrote:

Gee, people are just so sensitive.  If someone wants to tell me that I don't look the same from 2019, they'd be right.  Doesn't bother me in the least to be told!  In fact, if it really bothered me that much, I'd start working out again, I'd stop eating goodies (oh not me, nooo, I never eat that stuff) and I'd get my head right to achieve real weight management goals! Cat Surprised

But it's nobody's place to tell anyone else to be less sensitive. Maybe nasty internet trolls with no filters should be more sensitive. Insulting others with no regard for feelings has become the in thing. Poor role models abound.


How do you know what she eats or where her head is at? She has every right to call that person out.


Lots of looks shaming and body shaming of women goes on on these forums too. 

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@agb80 wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:

@agb80 wrote:

When I saw that video of her crying I thought someone had died. 


I was really surprised that she was crying because a troll said she was fat.  What about sticks and stones?


Celebrities know not to read social media and especially someone like her who has been in show business for years. 


After watching, I thought maybe she was trying out for a part. 


She is a grown woman and no one I know would ever do such a humiliating thing to themselves. 


She really embarrassed herself.  No one would have known that some troll called her fat had she not bubbled about it.  



Some people lack all sense of sensitivity.

That's not it at all.  I was ready to support her 100% if she was crying due to a death or an injury in her family.  Also, would have supported a kid because kids can't handle that.  But a grown woman? Come on, think about it!!  @CalminHeart 

@agb80 I don't believe she was responding to ONE, or two criticisms. It's a cumulative effect, that's been going on for quite some time. At some point, regardless of how strong we are, it finally triggers a strong emotional reaction. It's Psych 101.


It was her need to purge and no one should criticize her for doing so. Their day will come when something triggers them. It happens to almost everyone at some point, often over some seemingly benign issue, but it's their issue. Feels different when it's happening to us. It's life.