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Does anyone else remember this show?  It was such a great show.  I forgot all about it until I went onto my Netflix to see what is new and they are showing this from the beginning.  It is such fun to watdh and I forgot so much of what happened. Also, the cast is stellar!  

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We watched Ugly Betty. It was a great show. I never thought she was ugly in any way. Cute show, great actors.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@Effie54 wrote:

We watched Ugly Betty. It was a great show. I never thought she was ugly in any way. Cute show, great actors.

Effi54 - Of course she was not ugly.  In the real world there was nothing wrong with her, but in the vain fashion industry where everyone is "perfect" that was the premise.  Having braces, not being super tall or super skinny, and not wearing designer clothes that is what made her different.  Of course, later on, she morphs into her real beautiful self. America Ferrera is a sunning woman.

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Fantastic show with really wonderful writing & an outstanding cast. This is my "hang the DND sign and binge" show. Probably seen the entire series at least 5 or 6x.

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Yes, I remember Ugly Betty fondly. My granddaughter and I always watched it together so I have wonderful memories.

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I've never seen Ugly Betty, but I do remember her in the show "Superstore". I thought it was  very funny.

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Registered: ‎07-12-2011

I loved Ugly Betty Heart