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Wish would stop.  Ellipse and Plexaderm ... geez.  Stop it already.

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Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

I wish they would stop all commercials for prescription drugs. 

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Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

The drug/supplement commercials are insufferable; much too long. I just hit the remote or mute. The ones I truly despise are any and all insurance commercials; especially Progressive. 

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Re: Two Overplayed Commercials



Lumi & Mando. Please

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Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

@Trailrun23 wrote:

The drug/supplement commercials are insufferable; much too long. I just hit the remote or mute. The ones I truly despise are any and all insurance commercials; especially Progressive. 


@Trailrun23   @rms1954 


For many years now I have dvr'd everything I watch, so I'm not forced to watch it in real time and sit through all those mind-numbing commercials. 


Fast forward is my very good friend.  Woman Happy

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Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

National debt  relief  commercial. That guy says how the service negotiated a lot of money off his debt, then goes on to say he's taking a trip to Puerto Rico + he still owes the remainder of his debt. Makes me want to scream.

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Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

[ Edited ]

Too many to mention but there are a lot that get repeated especially if you watch BUZZR and around Medicare deadline time which was 12/7. They need to change their commercials.  Once in a while an "old" one comes back around.  I mute commercials anyway and when I do DVR a show on prime time, I FF.  What would I do w/out FF? LOL

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Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

@deeva   Totally agree with you - and I think the drug companies must own all the networks, the amount of commercials that have on , one right after another is crazy - and so strange to me to think that I would actually go see my doctor and ask him if ___ drug is one that I need ! I'm not a doctor !

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

@rms1954  @rockygems123  Eclipse and Plexaderm,  Lumi and Mando.

GOT IT.   I WILL CHECK THEM OUT.     That's WhyThey Overplay Them.

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Registered: ‎02-27-2015

Re: Two Overplayed Commercials

How about the life insurance companies where the couple is sitting in a $150,000 kitchen and wondering how they can afford a $50 monthly payment for insurance.  "John you better get on it"  LOL


Enos life insurance - woman has dream her husband died and left her and the kids without income. - Here's a thought-- get a job and deal with it lady.  How incredibly insultiing to women earning a living and contributing to the household. This commercial is joke telling her husband they need 2 million in life insurance for her and the kids to go on.