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Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Nothing too much happened overnight. The twins are still debating who stays. (They're wasting their time, Liz is going.) Austin has finally figured out Vanessa is playing both sides. Not that it matters a lot since everyone has bigger targets than Vanessa. Steve wants to take Vanessa to the final two for some reason. I'm guessing he's hoping for a repeat of Ian versus Dan, but that's risky. Vanessa has vastly outplayed everyone and most of the jury knows it.


Today we'll see the HOH camera come out and Steve will do his HOH blog. That could be revealing. Who knows what Steve will say? The rest of the week will likely be on cruise control until Thursday when Liz will go to join the jury.


This coming HOH comp is vital for everyone but Vanessa who is likely safe no matter what. If Austin or Julia wins then Steve and John will be the nominees. If John wins HOH then Austin and Julia will be the nominees. I expect Vanessa to throw the HOH comp as she's quite safe (or seems to be) this week. She may play hard for POV though.


Winning POV would keep Vanessa safe and give her control of the game. If Austin is the HOH and noms Steve and John and Vanessa wins POV, she could use it on Steve and Austin would have no choice but to put up Julia who could then be voted out. A Julia HOH could end with Austin going if Vanessa won POV. If Steve or John wins HOH and nominates Austin and Julia then a Vanessa POV win would guarantee Austin or Julia leaving.


Vanessa has managed to put herself in the best position of anyone in the house, and it's all been carefully orchestrated. She really deserves to win. Her only likely roadblock is John. I'm not sure how truly loyal he is to her. He could implode her game. Still, if you were given a choice to be in anyone's shoes right now, it would be hard to pick anyone but Vanessa. She's pretty much a lock for the final three. Everyone else has to win a comp or comps to get there while all Vanessa has to do is cruise.

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Ian, Dan, Janelle, Danielle Reyes and Evel ****** have all said Vanessa deserves the win.  


I agree.  IMO Vanessa deserves it most, then Steve.  I suppose if he wins HOH a case could be made for Austin -- but he grosses me out so much that while this case was being made I'd have to cover my ears and yell "LA LA LA" loudly.  

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

A bit OT but has anyone recognized Vanessa or has she mentioned her fame as a poker player?

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

As much as I would have liked to see someone else win, I have to say that Vanessa deserves to win. She has skillfully manipulated the outcome, even with some mistakes. I thought she was a goner the week Becky put her up, but she got a lucky break in that James was more worried about Shelli.

She also benefited from the Austwins mistake in getting rid of James over John. So, I hope she makes it to F2 and wins. I want all 3 of the Austwins on the jury, but Vanessa might be in better shape sitting next to Julia rather than Steve or even John.
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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The thing I am confused about is the mentioning of the twins deciding who will stay.  It is not up to them, it is the other house guests who will decide, so I don't get that.  The only thing I can think of is asking the voters to keep one over the other.

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Nec111 wrote:

The thing I am confused about is the mentioning of the twins deciding who will stay.  It is not up to them, it is the other house guests who will decide, so I don't get that.  The only thing I can think of is asking the voters to keep one over the other.

Back when Austin won POV on Saturday and it was apparent the twins would both be on the block, Vanessa and Austin told the twins they could pick which one stayed. Since they own the two votes needed to evict, the twins are assuming those two will honor their word. In truth, Vanessa wants Liz gone so Liz will be going, the twins just don't know it yet.

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I think Vanessa still being there goes back to when they let clay choose to be voted out instead of shelli. If shelli was voted out they would have been ready when Becky nominated Vanessa.

Every time I think I like Steve it ends up I don't.  Vanessa or Julia I don't think he wants a final two with john.

i would still like john to win but maybe I'll see him next to the winner Vanessa.

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I don't think John deserves the win but I wouldn't get upset if he wins, not like how my head exploded when Andy Herren won.

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@kaybee wrote:

A bit OT but has anyone recognized Vanessa or has she mentioned her fame as a poker player?

I don't think anyone has recognized her but just recently she was talking about how her girlfriend Mel sometimes gets upset when she has to leave and go to work to play in a tournament she is getting paid for.  And I completely forget who she was talking to.  I sometimes wonder if Austin recognized her in the beginning.

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Re: Tuesday 9/08/2015: Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@LoriLori wrote:

I don't think John deserves the win but I wouldn't get upset if he wins, not like how my head exploded when Andy Herren won.

Andy won largely because casting a bunch of racists, several of whom survived to nearly the end, put CBS in a bind and Andy was the least offensive option. I believe production brought in Dan or Will to "advise" the jury that year to be sure Andy would win. I'm pretty sure CBS intentionally cast racists that year so they could be cast out, only to find them staying in the game while the more moral houseguests got the boot. In the end, Andy was their best option for a winner, but far from a sure thing, so in came the former BB player to "advise" the jury and make sure Andy won.

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