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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Rarely do I fast forward through BBAD but last night I couldn't take Nicole anymore.  Her whining has gotten on my last nerve and I hate to say it but I'm ready for her to leave!  What a waste of a player this time around.  Or should I say non-player.

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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@LoriLori wrote:

@SusieQ_2, that is hilarious and I have to ask, how did you know that cap is there?  And does anyone you know own it?

OMG, that made me lol! I was trying to figure out how to look like Paulie and...okay, no that's not true. I did however think his hair reminded me of the hats they sell in Frontierland at Disneyland. So, I looked up Daniel Boone and there it was. 


Does anybody I know own one? Not yet, but I can see it making a great gag gift for Christmas. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

It seems like kind of a slow day on the BB thread. I'm glad you were feeling ambitious, G'man, and have given us some things to read. So thanks for that! Smiley Happy


I wish the girls in the house could read your post and get their act together as far as getting rid of the boys. If they don't I won't even want to admit to being the same gender. 


I'm not so sure Michelle is all that concerned about being seen as mean girl. Well, let me amend that and say she doesn't care enough that she's willing to stop being mean. She is so jealous of Bridgette for coming between her and Frank that she can't seem to help herself. She acts like such a child about being around her, it's like she's in middle school. Personally, I'd love to see Bridgette win HoH and send Michelle packing. I'm not a huge Bridgette fan, but I'd take her over Michelle any day. 



LOL @SusieQ_2, decision time.  Do you want the girls to unite and get rid of the guys so you can admit to being female OR do you want one of the girls to get rid of another girl?

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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Marp Yikes! I feel like I'm on the spot here (not much though Smiley Happy).


It's kind of a hard decision because I don't like that many of the girls. On the other hand, I'm not that fond of the guys either. That sounds really negative, but most of them have been such weasels this season!


I think I'd prefer they vote off all the guys except James. Corey hasn't been too bad either, but Paulie and Paul are just annoying. I haven't seen enough of Victor to know about him yet.


I wouldn't mind seeing any combination of Natalie, Bridgette, James and Corey at the end. And it's for no other reason than I find them the least offensive, not because they've shown any great physical or mental aptitude. Bridgette is probably the most competitive girl. It's just kind of an off year as far as houseguests go. They're a very disloyal group and very fickle. 

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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@SusieQ_2---I agree with your last paragraph...  Well,in the interest of full disclosure,

I pretty much always agree with you. Could this be "metro sexual" love ? 

As of this moment, your final 4 would be my final 4....

Now should we talk politics and see how we get along ? LOL....Oh that's right; the mods won't let us !


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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Marp I was laughing thinking about my choices and hoping G'man won't ban me from posting with my crazy choices!


I forgot to ask you...what would you like to see happen going forward? Do you have any favorites or people you'd be happy to see leave? 

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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Lol Danky, you're such a sweetheart. Perhaps it is love, lol! Heart


Politics? I'm not as invested as I should be. Anyway, I don't time for politics during BB season. Smiley Wink

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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@Marp I was laughing thinking about my choices and hoping G'man won't ban me from posting with my crazy choices!


I forgot to ask you...what would you like to see happen going forward? Do you have any favorites or people you'd be happy to see leave? 


@SusieQ_2, my favorite is James but I am puzzled by his being so low key this time.  Perhaps he just can't relate to the other house guests or perhaps he is biding his time until the newbies pick each other off.  Victor is really growing on me since his return.  My sense is he is a really nice guy, like James, that is intelligent, well educated and out of his element in the game.  At this point I don't care enough for any of the women to see one of them win.  I also don't see James or Victor winning but would welcome being surprised.


I was thinking a couple of days ago I'd like to see a season where there were essentially two sets of house guests, all female on one and all male on the other playing the same game separately until there were only four players from each side then be incorporated into one group.  Effectively shadow games.  A lot of logistics for something like that to work, something I'm not up to but Gman certainly is.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Nice post and I agree about Victor. I hope he doesn't do anything crazy to make us not like him.


Very creative idea about the game, and yes, I think G'man could make that work. He's got some great ideas of his own too. 

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Re: Tuesday 7/26/2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@Danky wrote:

@SusieQ_2---I agree with your last paragraph...  Well,in the interest of full disclosure,

I pretty much always agree with you. Could this be "metro sexual" love ? 

As of this moment, your final 4 would be my final 4....

Now should we talk politics and see how we get along ? LOL....Oh that's right; the mods won't let us !


Danky, my post to you got poofed because it was off topic, but, just wanted to say hope you post over there if you want to talk offline we can do that too